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The Institute of Psychology has been accredited by the Centre for Medical Postgraduate Education to run a specialisation in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. In northern Poland, it is the only… czytaj więcej

Over €55,000 in funding for COVER project

The (C)ombinatorial (O)ptimisation for (V)ersatile Applications to (E)merging u(R)ban problems (COVER) project received funding under HORIZON-MSCA-… read more

‘The Arctic is just beautiful’ - interview with prof. Agata Weydmann-Zwolicka

‘Nowadays, large-scale research is no longer possible within a single institution or discipline. We have more and more research tools that require… read more

UG 100 places up in the QS World University Ranking 2025!

The University of Gdańsk has moved up 100 places in the latest edition of the prestigious QS World University Rankings 2025. This is the biggest… read more

Follow the Oceanograf's route on his voyage beyond the Arctic Circle!

The r/v Oceanograf, owned by the University of Gdańsk, has set sail for over a month's expedition beyond the Arctic Circle. You can follow its route… read more

TEDxUniversityofGdansk2024 coming up on June 8. Sign up - limited places available

The next edition of TEDxUniversityofGdansk, organised by Fahrenheit Universities, will be held under the slogan ‘Sustainable Tomorrow’ - the event… read more

Digital Twin at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics. We invite you to the kick-off meeting of the series of inspiring meetings on Digital Twin & Smart City

The Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics UG and its partners cordially invite you to the first meeting of the series devoted to Digital… read more

A voter turnout campaign - we are working together with the City of Gdańsk

Elections to the European Parliament will be held on Sunday, June 9. Today, until 1:00 p.m. in the courtyard in front of the Faculty of Social… read more

R/v Oceanograf set off for the North! BaltArctic Research Cruise

R/v Oceanograf has set off on a 33-day expedition beyond the Arctic Circle, to the Norwegian town of Bodø. Over the next few weeks, the UG ship will… read more

Further important challenges of the SEA-EU partnership - European University Programme Governing Board meeting in Bodø

Bodø University hosted another series of meetings of rectors and those directly involved in the implementation of the SEA-EU European University of… read more

On the Sports Centre and the success of UG athletes with Minister Sławomir Nitras

During a visit to Gdańsk, Minister of Sport and Tourism Sławomir Nitras, together with MEP Agnieszka Pomaska and the Chair of the Sports and Tourism… read more