Kainos becomes the main partner of Quantum Summer School - a summer school organised by WMFiI UG

Od lewej: prof. Marcin Marciniak, prof. Piotr Stepnowski, Jakub Stempnik, Patryk Jar

From the left: prof. UG Marcin Marciniak, prof. Piotr Stepnowski, Jakub Stempnik, Patryk Jar

The International Quantum Summer School (Q-Camp) will be supported by Kainos. Q-Camp is a joint initiative of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics and ICTQT at UG; the British company will act as the main partner of the event. On May 13 this year, an agreement to this effect was signed by representatives of Kainos - Country Lead for Poland Jakub Stempnik and Innovation Tech Lead Patryk Jar - and the University of Gdańsk - Rector of the UG prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski and Vice-Dean for Science at WMFiI dr hab. Marcin Marciniak, prof. UG.


‘The organisation of summer schools on quantum topics is already a tradition at our Faculty. In the previous two years, we organised four schools within the NAWA Spinnaker programme. This year, we are organising the school in a new formula, with Kainos as our main partner,’ says UG prof. Marcin Marciniak. ‘The school is aimed at first-degree students from all over the world. Classes will be conducted in English. In addition to providing participants with a substantial dose of knowledge, we want to make them aware of the importance of the development of quantum technologies in today's world with particular emphasis on digital security. We also hope that the students will become convinced of Gdańsk as a city offering world-class studies and excellent study conditions.’


The planned summer school consists of two weeks of lectures and exercises conducted by foreign and Gdansk experts between 26 August and 6 September. Dr hab. Marcin Pawłowski, prof. UG and dr hab. Karol Horodecki, prof. UG are responsible for the content of the initiative. Planned meetings and workshops will be conducted, among others, by researchers from the ICTQT at UG and the WMFiI. Ultimately, the organisers anticipate around 20-25 participants in the summer school.


‘The cooperation between the University of Gdańsk and Kainos in organising the Quantum Summer School is the fruit of many years of joint activities. Our involvement is also a confirmation of how highly we value the quality of education and research conducted at the University of Gdansk. Kainos has been present in Pomerania since 2007’ says Jakub Stempnik. ‘We have extensive experience in the digital transformation of public services and the health sector in the UK, Canada and, I hope, soon also in Poland. So we know how important it is to invest in the technologies we will use in the coming years. It was in Gdańsk that we developed our competencies related to the use of cloud technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Now we are looking with excitement at quantum technologies, among others.’

However, the cooperation between UG and Kainos is not limited to the summer school. In addition to Q-Camp, Quantum Friday (30.08), a day full of events to popularise knowledge about quantum technologies, is also planned for the end of August. Among them is the Quantum Hackathon, a competition held in the convention of a classic IT hackathon, during which teams will work on solving problems related to quantum computing, quantum algorithms and quantum encryption.

The summer school will culminate with the Q-Con conference, where participants, researchers, public officials and industry leaders will gather to discuss the future of quantum theory, technology and emerging business applications. Q-Con will be a space for networking and the exchange of innovative ideas.

One of the aims of the conference is to discuss European quantum strategy. The organisers take the view that a united Europe has opportunities in the 'quantum race'. In particular, it is important that individual countries have an official document that defines a roadmap for quantum technology development, milestones and the level of public funding.

‘We are very pleased to have a major IT company, Kainos, as a major partner in organising the event. We hope that this is just the beginning of fruitful cooperation in the future,’ says prof. UG Marciniak.

‘I am convinced that Quantum Summer School will not only provide participants with great knowledge, but will also be a source of inspiration for the entire region. We believe that our joint activities will contribute to building a better future for us all,’ said Jakub Stempnik.
