The journal 'Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies' ranks first among journals specialising in oceanography

The Index Copernicus Value (ICV) calculated by ICV experts for the journal published by the scientists of the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography of the University of Gdańsk amounted to 149.53, which places 'Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies' in first place among journals specialising in Oceanography in this database and very high in the entire database of journals.

The quarterly scientific journal Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies is a scientific journal published since 1971, currently by the University of Gdańsk in cooperation with Walter DeGruyter Academic Publishers.

- 'Authors from many countries publish their articles here. It aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on current knowledge in scientific fields related to both oceanology and hydrobiology,' says Grzegorz Kozłowski, Editorial Director of the journal. - 'The main focus is on publishing high-quality articles that are easily accessible to scientists from all over the world.'.

The university journal of the Department of Oceanography and Geography 'Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies' (ISSN: 1730-413X, 1897-3191) has passed the evaluation process and is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List database for the year 2020. Based on the information provided in the evaluation and the analysis of the journal's 2020 issues, Index Copernicus Experts have calculated the Index Copernicus Value (ICV) for the year 2020.

The ICV 2020 = 149.53, which places us in first place among journals with an Oceanographic specialisation in this database and very high in the entire database of journals.

The journal Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies is available at:


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