
The strategy for the internationalisation of higher education and the challenges, opportunities and threats that this entails are the main topics that will be discussed by experts at the annual conference ‘Foreign Students in Poland 2025’, organised as part of the ‘Study in Poland’ programme. It is part of the 55th anniversary of the University of…
photo by Marcel Jakubowski/UG The changes on the contemporary labour market and the related challenges facing the State Labour Inspectorate were discussed during a conference on ‘The modern dimension of labour protection’, organised as part of the celebrations of the 105th anniversary of the State Labour Inspectorate and held on 14…
The Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA), as part of the celebrations marking the 18th anniversary of its establishment, prepared a series of 18 lectures for final-year students of secondary schools and first-year university students entitled ‘Coming of Age in the Service. Together for an Honest State’. One of the meetings took place at the University…
Students from Tricity universities met on October 22 to take part in the ‘Release the energy’ conference, whose theme was energy in the broadest sense. From green solutions to the latest technologies, the discussions were full of ideas on how to meet the challenges of the future. Young speakers shared their innovative ideas on energy transition and…
Cross-cutting and transversal competencies and competence mapping tools will be discussed by experts at the next edition of the ‘FarU Quality Day’ conference. The event will take place on November 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., this time within the walls of the University of Gdansk Library. Researchers, educators and, above all, enthusiasts from three…
The 4th Young Science Congress, which took place on 11-14 July at the University of Gdańsk and Gdansk University of Technology, enjoyed great interest, attracting more than 400 participants from 80 scientific institutions from all over Poland and abroad. Organised jointly by the Fahrenheit Union Universities - the University of Gdańsk (UG), the Gdańsk University of Gdańsk (GdańskTech) and the Medical University of…
Prominent scientists from all over the world will gather in Gdańsk for the International Workshop on Advanced Spectroscopy and Optical Materials (IWASOM) conference. From July 7 to July 12, researchers will present the latest findings on advanced spectroscopic methods in physics, chemistry, and materials engineering. Topics at the IWASOM conference…
The Congress of Ecological and Economic Scientific Circles (Polish: Kongres Ekologicznych i Ekonomicznych Kół Naukowych - KEEKS) 2024, providing a forum for discussing the key challenges of our time, brought together science and sustainability enthusiasts at the Faculty of Economics during two science-filled days, i.e. April 24 and 25, 2024. The 8th…
Conference with the participation of the former President of the Republic of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski, the Polish Prime Ministers' Forum and an expert panel European Union - challenges 2040+. Join us at the event to mark the 20th anniversary of Poland's membership in the European Union. The Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. Piotr Stepnowski, and the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, dr hab. Monika Bąk, prof…
The fourth day of the Intellectual Property & Innovation Week conference was dedicated to entrepreneurship. Among other things, the students attending the event learned how to build a thriving business from an idea and what are the ups and downs of working in corporations and start-ups. The Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Development, dr hab.…