The 4th Young Science Congress, which took place on 11-14 July at the University of Gdańsk and Gdansk University of Technology, enjoyed great interest, attracting more than 400 participants from 80 scientific institutions from all over Poland and abroad. Organised jointly by the Fahrenheit Union Universities - the University of Gdańsk (UG), the Gdańsk University of Gdańsk (GdańskTech) and the Medical University of Gdańsk (MUG) - and the Ilya Mechnikov Odessa National University, it became a unique meeting place for young scientists, innovators and science enthusiasts.
The opening ceremony, hosted by the Director of the Center for Student and Doctoral Student Activity Lukasz Bien, brought together numerous guests from the scientific, social and business communities. The Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality at UG, dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński, prof. UG, congratulated the attendance and organisation of the event, wishing them successful deliberations and a great time in an academic atmosphere. The Vice-Rector for Science and Rector Elect of the MUG, prof. dr hab. Michał Markuszewski, who spoke afterwards, declared that the following year the MUG would also be happy to welcome the Congress participants within its walls. The Vice-Rector for Organisation and Development of GdańskTech, prof. dr hab. inż. Dariusz Mikielewicz, again congratulated the organisers on their success, expressing his joy at the fact that GdańskTech was a co-organiser of the event.
The event was attended by representatives of the authorities of the City of Gdańsk. The Deputy Mayor of the City of Gdańsk for Social Development and Equal Treatment, Monika Chabior, emphasised that the record attendance reflects the good fortune of Gdańsk as a city, which makes us happy and proud.
A recording was also played in which the Rector of Odessa National University, prof. Viacheslav Truba , wished everyone successful deliberations and interesting projects, looking forward to cooperation between Polish universities and the University of Odessa.

One of the highlights of the ceremony was the presentation of a symbolic gift to prof. Arnold Klonczynski by the university's students, doctoral students and staff, as an expression of gratitude for his invaluable support during his two terms as Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality.
Following the opening of the event, participants attended a plenary session entitled ‘Social responsibility from the perspective of academia, business and individual initiatives’. Moderated by Katarzyna Krynska, the debate demonstrated the importance of sustainability and cooperation between academia, business and local communities.
Dr hab. Anna Dziadkiewicz, prof. UG, talked about ongoing projects, but also, among other things, illustrated the difference between the Scandinavian and Polish approaches to the issue of ecology and wellbeing.
Elis Textile Service sales and marketing director Łukasz Neumann repeatedly stressed that CSR (corporate social responsibility) is firmly embedded in the company's DNA. In his speech, he illustrated how the company, which rents and services protective and work clothing, hygiene equipment and floor mats, implements assumptions that take into account the welfare of the environment.
Grzegorz Neumann, author of the Youth at the Centre project, which focuses on supporting socially and psychologically disadvantaged young people, described the behind-the-scenes work with those in need of guidance and support. As a representative of NEPIRockCastle, co-creator of the ‘Youth at the Centre’ project, the discussion was enriched by the presence of Centre Manager Forum Gdańsk Dorota Szczęsny, who emphasised the possibility of cooperation between NEPI and academia and business.
On the second day of the Congress, young scientists presented the results of their work. More than 20 panel discussions took place on this day, covering a wide range of topics - from medicine, social and historical issues to science and experimental science - which were reported on by journalists from TVP3 Gdańsk and Radio Gdańsk, among others. Undoubtedly, each of the panels brought many opportunities to exchange views and expand knowledge or acquire new skills.

The key point of the second day was a plenary session led by Sebastian Barczak, Chairman of the UG Doctoral Council. The meeting was opened by the Rector of the UG, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, who expressed his delight at the high attendance despite the sunny weather, which encouraged sunbathing. He also wished successful deliberations and interesting conclusions.
Among the invited guests were: Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and Chair of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland, prof. dr hab. Bogumiła Kaniewska, dr hab. Dominik Antonowicz, prof. UMK, mgr Mariola Pirek and mgr Barbara Pietrzyk-Tobiasz.
Each guest answered a few questions about the evaluation of doctoral school education in Poland. In his speech, Professor Dominik Antonowicz pointed out, among other things, how important it is to ensure that doctoral students have the opportunity to continue their scientific careers after completing their doctoral studies, so that their years of effort are not in vain. Mariola Pirek, on the other hand, touched on the future of doctoral schools in Poland, emphasising the need to place emphasis on the reliability of the process of assessing doctoral students and their progress, as well as on the verification of scientific care and the effectiveness of doctoral education. Barbara Pietrzyk-Tobiasz pointed out where the core of the National Representation of Doctoral Students, whose mission is to be the voice of doctoral students in the evaluation process of doctoral schools, lies. She drew attention to the careful recruitment and selection of experts to assist in this process.

Prof. Bogumiła Kaniewska emphasised that the evaluation process has been discussed many times, and there are conclusions and hints from many quarters about what can be changed and improved. As she said, these hints are growing like fractals, but it is necessary to extract what can realistically be done, and a debate of the involved representatives of doctoral bodies will certainly help with this. The motivation and example for the attendees could be found in the activities described at UAM, which have made it possible to solve emerging problems.
The first and second days of the Congress were furthermore honoured by a performance by the Akade Trio. During the breaks in the proceedings, the band entertained the guests by playing not only classical pieces, but also string versions of well-known pop culture works.

The third day began with a poster session held in the J. Hevelius courtyard at the Gdansk University of Technology. As part of the session, approximately 100 posters were presented within the walls of the Technical University and evaluated by a committee consisting of representatives of the Congress Organising Committee, i.e. Bartosz Chojnacki, Ignacy Rogon, Aleksandra Ławniczak and Ewelina Pawelczyk. The session was an opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences of people representing various disciplines of science.
Panels devoted to Ukraine were a special highlight of the day's proceedings. During them, panellists discussed the socio-political consequences of Russian aggression in Ukraine. There were also presentations by young researchers from Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University. Visitors from Ukraine visited the University of Gdańsk once again as part of a project funded by the National Academic Exchange Agency and led by Vice-Rector Prof. Arnold Kłonczyński . Students visiting our University emphasised the excellent atmosphere not only of the venue, but also of Gdańsk: 'Young Science Congress is an excellent opportunity to gain new experiences as well as scientific acquaintances in picturesque and historically rich Gdańsk. This city, so culturally diverse, enchanted us with its atmosphere ,’ a student from Odessa told us.
At 15:00, there was also a lecture given by dr hab. Anna Chęćka, prof. UG (Department of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art, Institute of Philosophy UG). Her presentation ‘The Glories and Shadows of Neuroaesthetics as a Young Research Discipline’ focused on the achievements to date in research on the perception of a work of art. Welcoming the audience, Professor Anna Chęćka pointed out how important it is to draw on sensitivity, also in research work, because it is an essential element of going beyond one's own individual interests and thinking about the other person.
The 4th Young Science Congress exceeded all expectations: the event was attended by more than 400 people, which is an attendance record. The 4th Young Science Congress is also a perfect example of how valuable teamwork is. For it is worth mentioning that, although the IV KMN was held mainly on the premises of the University of Gdańsk, it was a joint effort of the Fahrenheit Universities Association. Their combined efforts made it possible to create the largest conference in Poland focusing mainly on the work and achievements of young researchers.
In summing up this exceptional event, it is worth mentioning two more points, which can also be regarded as successes of sorts. These are the innovative ideas introduced by the Congress Organising Committee. The first was the provision of vegan meals for participants. This form of catering was a reference to the issue of sustainability, which also implies changes in nutrition. The second innovation, which was met with considerable enthusiasm, was childcare for participants, which was provided by the organisers. This form of meeting the needs of young scientists and, at the same time, parents, will certainly enable more people to take part in the event in the future.