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The long goodbye • Is science boring? • True nature and timid civilization • The river flows both ways • Waffles and fine dining • We are not rock stars Bodø beyond the Arctic Circle, the nineteenth… czytaj więcej

University of Gdańsk maintains its position among universities and in general ranking!

Only the 'cast-iron' three classical universities overtook the University of Gdańsk in the latest Perspektywy ranking. We maintained a very good 4th… read more

Ministerial scholarships for outstanding young scientists from the University of Gdańsk

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education awarded scholarships for outstanding young scientists for the 19th time. The results were announced on… read more

'Cooperation is the key to this success' - r/v Oceanograf sails into Bodø

Over 90 % of planned research completed, hundreds of nautical miles of scientific collaboration, and a new dimension of SEA-EU alliance collaboration… read more

Officer, special forces instructor, lecturer, and researcher. Interview with Ole Boe, visiting professor at the UG Institute of Psychology

He is a retired captain in the Norwegian Armed Forces and Norway's first professor in military command. He served for many years as an operations… read more

Gold and bronze for UG tennis players!

University of Gdańsk players won gold medals in the university classification and bronze medals in the overall classification at the Polish Academic… read more

THE Impact Ranking 2024: promotion and leadership position

The University of Gdańsk has once again been ranked among the world's best and is the leader among Polish universities in the Times Higher Education… read more

University of Gdańsk at the Women in Tech Summit 2024!

We are on our second day at the largest conference for women in STEM fields in Europe and Asia. Inspiring speeches, discussions, and lectures… read more

How to strengthen digital and green competencies within SEA-EU?

On June 5-7, the University of Gdańsk hosted the workshop ‘Developing digital, green, interdisciplinary, and innovative training pathways for SEA-EU… read more

Strengthening networking for green transformation. SEA-EU Goes Greener team meeting

Close to 80 guests (including more than 50 international guests), 9 universities, 20 scientific posters, 2 days of exchange of good practices and… read more

Dr Urszula Zarzecka and dr Tomasz Wenta with grants totalling over PLN 3 million

Two projects by scientists from the Department of General and Medical Biochemistry of the Faculty of Biology of the UG have been awarded more than 3… read more