The National Centre for Research and Development has announced the results of the call for projects in the competition FERS.03.01-IP.08-001/24 entitled ‘Universities becoming more accessible’, under the European Funds for Social Development 2021 - 2027 (FERS) programme. The University of Gdańsk received a large grant for the ‘Accessible UG 2.0’ project.
Out of 120 projects submitted, only 57 received funding. The University of Gdańsk received funding in the amount of PLN 7,801,507.12 and the total value of the project is PLN 8,059,112.12. The ‘Accessible UG 2.0’ project was developed in cooperation between two teams: the Disabilities Office and the Finance and Strategic Project Office of the UG. Activities will be implemented between 1 January 2025 and 31 December 2028 in partnership with the Foundation Institute for Regional Development.
The project aims to improve the accessibility of the University of Gdańsk for male and female students, doctoral students and employees with disabilities and special needs by implementing a comprehensive solution focused on changes in the areas of: organisational structure, architectural, communication and information, digital and technological accessibility, development of educational support services, implementation and updating of regulations and procedures, and undertaking disability awareness activities. The main outcome of the project will be to improve the competencies of the academic community in the areas of inclusive education and accessibility of higher education, as well as the implementation of solutions to overcome identified accessibility barriers.
The project includes tasks that will lead to improvements in the accessibility of the University in eight areas: organisational structure, architectural accessibility, information and communication accessibility, digital accessibility, technological accessibility and procedural accessibility, services supporting education, research and university recruitment, and disability awareness activities.
Information on current project activities will be posted on an ongoing basis on the Disabilities Office website .