For Women's Day - the Women in Science website!

March 8 - International Women's Day - is a good occasion to invite you to read a new page on the University of Gdańsk website - Women in Science, whose patron is Elisabeth Koopman - wife and collaborator of the famous Gdańsk astronomer Jan Hevelius. After the death of her husband, Elisabeth completed and published his works, with the support of the Polish king Jan III Sobieski.

The page presents biographies of ladies holding leadership positions in the 2020-2024 term and the history of UG. The additional tab: Women researchers and their scientific work will be gradually supplemented and developed, as will the subpage entitled Important documents, where the following are already available: the Gender Equality Policy Implementation Plan at the University of Gdańsk and the report Women in Science.

Interviews with female scientists provide an opportunity to present their scientific research, achievements, etc.

We invite you to read it:

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