Language competencies development during remote learning. Research by CJO UG

Gathering data on the perception of language competencies development during remote learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as developing conclusions and recommendations for the introduction of good practices and best solutions for language learning in the remote mode - are the objectives of the project carried out by the Foreign Languages Centre of the University of Gdańsk. Publication of the study results is scheduled for June this year.

During the pandemic, a lot of research was conducted into the effects of remote learning, its limitations, threats, but also the potential and value that such a mode of studying has unexpectedly brought.

CJO UG has gone one step further and has been implementing a project directly related to language learning since November 2021: Remote learning in language classes during a pandemic. This is probably the only study of its kind in Poland, and it aims to collect data on perceptions of language competencies (foreign languages) development during remote learning caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and then develop conclusions and recommendations to introduce good practices and best solutions for remote language learning. 

'In the publication of the Students' Parliament of the Republic of Poland "Kształcenie Zdalne - historia prawdziwa Oczami Studentów" (Warsaw 2020) there are many, often surprising, statements made by young people who experienced studying during the first months of remote learning. For example: ...for a degree to still be a degree and not an online course..., or: it is not serious for medical schools to have online classes. We are supposed to treat people one day, not computer programs, or: ...lecture recording - a very good solution, especially for working students....,' - informs Alina Swebocka, Director of CJO UG. - 'The whole publication refers to the overall experience of students who, from March 2022, due to the unravelling COVID-19 pandemic, were forced to switch to remote learning mode, as were their lecturers.'

The survey conducted by the Foreign Languages Centre of UG is based on two types of questionnaires - for students and for foreign language lecturers, in which, among other things, they are asked about the extent to which students' language skills have improved during remote learning, what benefits and what difficulties related to the online mode have emerged in their coursework, what solutions should be transferred to the stationary mode of language learning to make the most of the experience.

In January 2022, the internal stage was completed, conducted among the students of the language courses and lecturers of CJO UG. A total of 1223 students and 66 language teachers participated in it. Preliminary results of the survey were presented at the International Partners Day Working as an Academic During the Pandemic conference organised by the CJO on January 21, this year.

'Currently, two further stages are being implemented (using the LimeSurvey method) - a nationwide one and an international one, to which we will also invite our partners from SEA-EU and Erasmus +,' - adds Director Alina Swebocka.

The end of the project together with the final report is scheduled for June 2022.

The project team includes CJO lecturers: dr Anna Dulska, mgr Barbara Kubica-Daniel, mgr Piotr Andrzejewski, mgr Alina Swebocka (the originator and project manager) and an expert from the Faculty of Economics - dr Tomasz Czuba.

EMW / Press Office UG