We would like to invite you to take part in the fourth one-day Saturday tour in the series 'Historical holidays with CASiD', organised by the Centre for Student and Doctoral Activities in cooperation with the UG Student Parliament, the UG Faculty of History Student Government Council and the editorial board of the 'University Gazette'.
Below are the details of this trip.
Tour IV - Owidz (Festival of Slavic Mythology) - August 20, 2022.
The tour is open to UG students, doctoral students and staff, and in the event that the place limit is not filled, also to their family members and GUTW listeners.
The number of places is limited. The order of applications is decisive. Those qualified to participate in the tour will receive a confirmation by e-mail.
Departure at 8:00 from the car park at ul. Wita Stwosza 58 in Gdańsk (next to the building housing, among others, the Institute of Logopaedics UG and the office of the UG Student Parliament). Return the same day in the evening (departure from Owidz at approximately 18.30, return to Gdańsk at approximately 20.00).
The programme of the Festival of Slavic Mythology on Saturday, August 20, is available at https://www.facebook.com/MuzeumMitologiiSlowianskiej/photos/pcb.410163977759607/3045326042419905.
The detailed programme of the trip may be subject to change for reasons beyond the control of the organisers.
Any questions about the trip should be sent to the following e-mail address: gazeta@ug.edu.pl.
For more information and to sign up, visit: https://casid.ug.edu.pl/2022/08/08/festiwal-mitologii-slowianskiej-czwarta-wycieczka-z-cyklu-historyczne-wakacje-z-casid/