SEA-EU in a new guise

The new face of the SEA-EU alliance! The coordinators from the nine SEA-EU universities agreed on a refreshed visual identity for the consortium and the first elements of a communication strategy for the next four years. The results of the meeting at the University of Malta were presented at the Governing Board meeting on June 29, 2023.

The new SEA-EU logo reflects the graceful movement of the waves. The continuous, rope-like shape symbolises the strength and interconnectedness of coastal cities. Under this banner, the nine European universities will develop partnerships with cities and ports over the next five years, build vibrant scientific and student communities and move towards a better, sustainable future.

Malta Meeting

The deliberations of the experts from work packages 6.1 and 6.2 on the design and dissemination of the new SEA-EU 2.0 image were led by Irene de Andrés Márquez, the consortium's communications manager. During the two-day meeting, representatives of European universities decided on a new logo and, thus, a new visual identity for the alliance. The University of Gdańsk was represented by the SEA-EU 2.0. UG office manager Natalia Lubińska and Marcel Jakubowski from the UG Press Team.

During the meeting at the end of May, the University of Malta also hosted a session on Science Popularisation and Communication, chaired by prof Manuel Célio Conceição from the University of Algarve (Portugal).

'The Science Communication meeting aimed to recognise good practices in science popularisation. Each university presented its strengths but also its weaknesses. The work of the newly established Centre for the Popularisation of Science at UG was presented by dr Emilia Leszkowicz,' says Marlena Rutkowska-Myzyk, head of the SEA-EU 2.0. project at UG. 'Based on this information, we worked on effective solutions that could be introduced in the second phase of SEA-EU.'

The updated communication strategy and visual identity are just a fraction of the exciting new initiatives of SEA-EU 2.0. There are still four more years of joint research, events, workshops, and sustainable change ahead for the nine coastal universities!

new logo
Marcel Jakubowski