Rector of the UG becomes the Chairman of the Assembly of the Fahrenheit Union of Universities in Gdańsk

The Rector, prof. Piotr Stepnowski, assumed the chairmanship of the Fahrenheit Universities during the Assembly of The Union of Universities in Gdańsk Daniel Fahrenheit. The function was handed over by the previous Chairman, prof. Marcin Gruchała, Rector of the Medical University of Gdańsk.

According to the Statutes of the Union, the chairman's term of office lasts two years and formally commences on September 1. The handover of the chairmanship to the Rector, prof. Piotr Stepnowski, for the next term took place on August 28, 2024, during the Assembly of the Union, whose members adopted a resolution to this effect unanimously.

The assembled members thanked the incumbent Rector, prof. Marcin Gruchala, with applause. The MUG Rector is also coming to the end of his term as Rector of the university. His successor, Rector-elect prof. Michał Markuszewski, took part in the meeting.

As emphasised by the Rector, prof. Piotr Stepnowski, who took over the position of Chairman of the Union: ‘The communities of our universities expect the Alliance to continue its dynamic development, creating opportunities for cooperation in further areas. We are waiting for the provisions in the Act concerning better conditions for federalisation, and in the meantime - we are moving forward!’

Confirmation of these words was the proposal, presented by the Head of the Department of Neurology and the Department of Adult Neurology at the MUG, prof. Bartosz Karaszewski, to develop the Brain Disease Centre at the Medical University of Gdańsk into an interdisciplinary inter-university research unit.

The meeting continued with a discussion of current and financial activities and the plan for the official opening of the academic year on October 5.

Opening of the academic year in Gdańsk

One of the most important events organised in the last quarter of 2024 is the annual joint opening of the academic year, for the third time organised on the initiative of Fahrenheit University, in cooperation with the City of Gdańsk.

As in previous years, the celebrations will be attended by representatives of Pomeranian universities and local authorities. A joint march along the Royal Route to the sound of carillons, accompanied by musicians and artists, is scheduled for October 5. It will begin at 11:00 a.m. at the Zlota Brama (Golden Gate) and will end at the front of Artus Court, where short speeches will be made by representatives of the authorities, students and doctoral students.

All members of the community of the Medical University of Gdańsk, Gdansk University of Technology and the University of Gdańsk with their families and friends are invited to attend. Detailed information will soon be published via the Fahrenheit Universities communication channels.

The Fahrenheit Union Assembly is then scheduled to meet in December 2024.


Karolina Sienkiewicz/FarU, MNG/UG; photo: Alan Stocki/ Press Team UG