The Board of the Foundation for Polish Science appointed prof. dr hab. Ewa Łojkowska from the Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG and MUG as a member of the Commission for Ethics and Good Practices of the FNP.
‘I welcome with satisfaction the decision of the Board of the Foundation for Polish Science to appoint me as a member of the Ethics and Good Practice Committee. I am convinced that by engaging in the work of this Commission, I will have an impact on the development and implementation of ethical standards binding in Polish science,’ says prof. dr hab. Ewa Łojkowska.
The Commission of Ethics and Good Practices of the Foundation for Polish Science aims to create good practices of professional ethics for female and male scientists conducting research in Poland. It is also supposed to contribute to the development of rules concerning ethical standards that should apply in Polish scientific institutions.
‘I believe that I have been appointed to this Commission because of my activities related to promoting equality and inclusiveness in research teams and in connection with my actions concerning the promotion of scientific research that takes into account the gender perspective of the research object. The inclusion of a gender dimension in scientific projects serves to improve the quality of the research itself while having a positive impact on the development of knowledge, technology and innovation. The aim of including the gender perspective of the research object is to promote rigorous, reproducible and responsible experiments, the results of which enable progress in various areas of life, and in particular in the protection of the health of the entire human population,’ adds prof. Łojkowska.
The scientist was appointed to the Commission for a two-year term. Congratulations!