During the meeting of the Assembly of The Fahrenheit Union of Universities in Gdańsk, the winning team in the 3rd edition of the Fahrenheit Universities Prize competition was selected. Two honorary mentions were also awarded.
The Fahrenheit University Prize is awarded once a year for innovative activities carried out individually or in teams by students, doctoral students or employees in the scientific, teaching, organisational or social sphere in the 12 months preceding the recruitment for a given edition. A prerequisite for the submitted project is that it is innovative and sustainable, allowing it to be continued in subsequent years.
In accordance with the competition regulations, the authors of the applications that qualified for the second stage made presentations to the members of the Association Assembly. After each presentation, there was time to ask questions of the authors, and three speeches were followed by deliberations.
The initiative that won the University Fahrenheit Award is POMERANIA FIZ-MED, submitted by prof. Brygida Mielewska from the Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics of GdańskTech, prof. Aleksander Kubicki from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of UG and dr Joanna Kamińska from the Department and Clinic of Oncology and Radiotherapy of GUMed.
POMERANIA FIZ-MED is a didactic and integrative event with the participation of:
- Scientists and didacticians - teachers of the FarUniversity involved in the education of Biomedical Engineering (GdańskTech) and Medical Physics (UG);
- students of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics;
- managers of medical physics laboratories in Pomeranian hospitals, radiation protection inspectors, physicists and medical engineers (members of PTFM).
Meetings of stakeholder groups from the region, which are organised periodically, allow for close cooperation and exchange of experiences of physicists-clinicians, scientists, engineers and students - potential candidates for employment in the medical physics profession and peri-medical industries. Even before the FarU Award is decided, further meetings have been planned and will be held in rotation at the individual universities.
The award ceremony will take place as part of the 4th Fahrenheit Science Picnic on May 25, this year.
Honorary Mentions from the competition's Chapter were awarded to the teams that submitted the initiatives:
- ‘University Codes of Ethics in the Eyes of Doctoral Students’, which resulted in a universal Code of Ethics for Doctoral Students, created by Dagmara Kroll, President of the MUG Doctoral Student Council, Ignacy Rogon, President of the GdańskTech Doctoral Student Council, and Sebastian Barczak, President of the UG Doctoral Student Council. The document was drafted after community consultations and a questionnaire to the doctoral student community of MUG, GdańskTech and UG, consisting of more than 1,000 people. The Code is currently undergoing procedure by the self-governments of the three Universities.
- ‘Open meeting of the University Deanery Forums of the Gdansk University of Technology and the University of Gdańsk with the participation of the Medical University of Gdańsk’ - an event organised on 25.11.2024, attended by around 160 people, aimed at strengthening cooperation and sharing knowledge and experience between academic administration staff. The organisers conducted an evaluation survey among the participants of the event and are already planning the next edition. Composition of the team: prof. Agnieszka Zimmermann, Vice-Rector for Education at MUG, Wioletta Braun, Head of the Dean's Office at WIMiO and Chairperson of the UFD at GdańskTech, Agnieszka Krysiak, Head of the Education Department at GdańskTech, Małgorzata Piwowarska, Head of the Dean's Office at WETiI (GdańskTech), Katarzyna Rynkowska, Head of the Dean's Office at WPiA (UG) and Monika Knapik-Sójka from MUG's Centre for Supporting Didactics.