Webinar: Archaeotourism & Culture Routes. Let's share & learn!

Event organizer
Submitted by jbereszczynska on Thu, 04/23/2020 - 16:55

Tourism is one of the most dynamic sectors in the South Baltic Sea Region and generating significant profits for the local and regional economy. However, we must change the way of thinking about tourism and creating culture routes, especially in the current special situation. One of the opportunities to develop the touristic sector is archeotourism and untapped archaeological heritage of the region.
The aim of the webinar is looking for the ways of developing the archaeotourism especially for the touristic sector (and local authority), using its potential in the enrichment of new and existing cultural routes and the ways of polarization the Baltic Heritage.

Target audience:
Companies, organizations and audience interested in developing culture routes related to the historical and archaeological heritage of the South Baltic Sea Region and use its untapped touristic potential, especially in archaeological (in particular: touristic sectors such as ferry companies, touristic organizations, tour operators; press, cultural institutions etc.).

The communication canals:
The meeting will take place on the Zoom meeting platform and be streamed by ArchaeoBalt YouTube channel. The audience will be able to ask the questions via chat.

ArchaeoBalt YouTube channel

Webinar agenda

Chair: Jens-Bjørn Riis Andersen, Professor, Aarhus University, Denmark

10:00 – 10:10
Opening Remarks
Jens-Bjørn Riis Andersen, Professor, Aarhus University, Denmark

10:10 – 10:40
"Unknown touristic potential of Baltic Sea Region - Archaeotourism and ArchaeoBalt project"
Karolina Czonstke, University of Gdańsk, Poland

10:40 – 11:10
"Combining research archaeology and cultural heritage experiences. Exposing Iron Age Uppåkra to the public"
Mats Roslund, Professor, Lund University, Sweden

11:10 – 11:40
"Recent excavations at SorteMuld"
Finn Ole Sone Nielsen, PhD, Bornholms Museum, Denmark

11:40 – 12:10
"Explore Owidz - the stronghold at merchant trail - excavations, public archaeology and archaeotourism"
Karolina Czonstke and BartoszŚwiątkowski, University of Gdańsk, Poland

12:10 – 12:30

12:30 – 13:00
"The archaeological gateway to Gdańsk. Towards development of archaeotourism at Vistulamouth Fortress, a branch of the Museum of Gdansk"
Andrzej Gierszewski, PhD. Museum of Gdansk, Poland

13:00 – 13:30
"Creating Archaeological Landscapes – Finding New Ways for Mediation and Participation in Contract Archaeology"
Matthew Nelson, Linnaeus University, GRASCA, Sweden

13:30 – 14:00
"Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe in the EU macro-regions: sharing experiences of Routes4U joint programme"
Laura Ligazzolo, Routs4U Project, Luxembourg

14:00 – 14:30
Discussion and question session

The end of the webinar

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The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020

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