Declaration of cooperation between UG and BSCC

Prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, Rector of UG and Lawrence Ugwu, Director of the Baltic Sea Cultural Centre. Photo: Alan Stocki/UG

The letter of intent signed by the Rector of the University of Gdańsk and the Director of the Baltic Sea Cultural Centre (BSCC) is an official continuation of joint activities of these institutions to strengthen the scientific and cultural environment.

On Wednesday, March 9, the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. Piotr Stepnowski, and the Director of the BSCC, Lawrence 'Okey' Ugwu, signed a letter of intent on cooperation to strengthen the environment of science and culture - both in terms of achievements in both fields and in supporting scientists, students, artists and animators in drawing mutual inspiration and creating new solutions.

'Although the University of Gdańsk has been cooperating with the Baltic Sea Culture Centre for a long time, it is only now that this cooperation has taken on an institutional character. Currently, our priority is to organise various forms of leisure activities for refugee children from Ukraine,' - said prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, Rector of the UG. - 'We will also work together on initiatives promoting art, such as exhibitions and concerts. So far, many of these events have taken place under the patronage of the Rector of UG or the BSCC, but we know that together we can organise them better.'

The intention of the agreement is also to build social capital in the Pomeranian region and joint efforts to meet the challenges of the contemporary world, including the promotion of peace and assistance to the people in need.

'Our cooperation will be multidimensional. We plan to revive Hevelius Square in Gdańsk. We will organise events related to science and culture. Now that the problems in Ukraine have started, we want to provide various attractions for refugee children,' - said Lawrence Ugwu, Director of the Baltic Sea Cultural Centre in Gdańsk - 'Thanks to the cooperation with UG, we can involve Ukrainian students in these events, who will help us translate. These joint activities will be easier as we know one another from our teenage years.'

MJ & EMW / Press Office UG