Dr Maciej Markowski, Head of the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Laboratory at the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, has been appointed by the Director of the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (IGiK) dr hab. inż. Michał Szot to the National Committee for the International Cartographic Association (ICA) for the term 2024-2029.
The International Cartographic Association (ICA) is a scientific organisation founded in 1959 in Bern. Its mission is to promote the discipline and profession of cartography and GIScience internationally and ensure that they are used to their maximum potential for the benefit of society and science.
The aim of the National Committee for the International Cartographic Association (IAC) is to support the national member of the IAC (IGiK) in collecting, processing, publishing and promoting information on Polish cartography abroad, as well as to gather and communicate to the Executive Committee of the IAC its position on matters of scientific international cooperation in cartography.
'My appointment as a member of the National Committee for the ICA is, on the one hand, an honour for me, and on the other hand it gives me the responsibility of being a representative of our academic community in the field of cartography and GIS, or Geographical Information Systems, in its broadest sense. I hope that my experience combined with the opportunity to collaborate with other committee members will enable the implementation of best practices related to scientific and technological developments in the field of cartography and GIS. As a committee member, I encourage those who hold cartography and GIS close to their hearts to collaborate and share their ideas and experiences,' says dr Maciej Markowski.
The ICA National Committee supports the activities of the ICA associate members represented in the committee as well as the scientific cartographic centres in Poland in the international scientific cartographic community.