The book 'Politics and the media versus the crisis of trust...' awarded in the competition for the dr Paweł Stępka Award

Katarzyna Kamińska-Korolczuk's book 'Politics and the media versus the crisis of trust. Information Policy of the State Powers in Times of Danger' was awarded in this year's eleventh edition of the competition for the dr Paweł Stępka Award for the best doctoral dissertation and publication in the field of electronic media, organised by the National Broadcasting Council, the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Bibliology at the University of Warsaw and the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies at the University of Warsaw. In addition, the National Broadcasting Council presented a certificate of appreciation to the University of Gdańsk Publishing House for the publication of dr Katarzyna Kamińska-Korolczuk's book.

The Award Committee chaired by prof. dr hab. inż. Janusz Kawecki appreciated the publication of dr Katarzyna Kamińska-Korolczuk, which was devoted to the analysis of the transformations taking place in the information policy of the major states under the influence of the threat, including the COVID-19 pandemic. The book received the award for the best scientific and popular science publication in the field of electronic media. As prof. Janusz Kawecki pointed out in his justification for the award, the book 'Politics and the media versus the crisis of trust. Information Policy of the State Powers in Times of Danger', 'was deemed to best meet the competition criteria and was rated highest among the publications submitted for the competition'.

The laureates of this year's edition were also: dr Katarzyna Kopeć-Ziemczyk - 'Polaryzacja mediów w Polsce. Analiza zawartości „Wiadomości” TVP i „Faktów” TVN w okresie kampanii samorządowej w 2018 roku'o. dr Drariusz Drążek CSsR - 'Misja naziemnych telewizji katolickich w Polsce po 1989 roku na przykładzie Telewizji Trwam. Studium teologiczno-medialne', and Katarzyna Cegielska, who received an honourable mention for editing a textbook entitled. 'Zrozumieć media'.

On July 18, 2022, an award ceremony was held at the headquarters of the National Broadcasting Council. Our sincere congratulations to the winners of the competition!

ER / Press Office UG