‘Around Memling’ - new cycle of popular science lectures

Memling Research Center UG  invites you to a new series of popular science lectures entitled 'Around Memling' on the works of Hans Memling and his contemporaries. Lectures will be delivered by the researchers lectures from the Institute of Art History, the Institute of History of the UG and guests.

In the coming months, every last Thursday at 6.00 p.m., we invite you to Instytut Kultury Miejskiej, Kunszt Wodny, Gdańsk. The lectures will be recorded and made available on the YouTube channel - Video WMG.

The first lecture on January 25, 2024 (Thursday), will be given by Prof. Dr. Beata Możejko and will be about Bruges. In this city, Hans Memling worked, and from there, 'The Last Judgment' set off on its way. Instead of Badia Fiesolana near Florence, it ended up in Gdansk.

We also announce two more lectures:

February 29:  dr hab. Andrzej Woziński, prof. UG, Hans Memling - eclectic, erudite, innovator

March lecture due to Holidays, penultimate Thursday, March 21 : Aleksandra Stanek (UG), Spanish life of Hans Memling's works

Lectures will be in Polish, but in the future, we will prepare subtitles in English.

Edit. Dorota Rybak/Press Office