Women's Rights Month at UG


On the initiative of the UG Center for Student and Doctoral Student Activity (CASiD) and thanks to the commitment of female students, doctoral students and employees of our university, March will be celebrated as Women's Rights Month.

March is the month when women celebrate their holiday. On this occasion, once again, CASiD UG has prepared a series of events to show the essence of women's needs and to highlight the role of women in the public space. The events will take place at the UG throughout the month. Below is a description of the attractions.


Lectures - Faculty of Social Sciences

11 March, 1:30 p.m. - dr hab. Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka, prof. UG, What does this have to do with me? On the role of men in gender equality

18 March, 11:30 a.m. - prof. dr hab. Ewa Graczyk, Intersectional Feminism

27 March, 11:30 a.m. - dr M. Żadkowska, Does science have a gender and does it stem from passion?

date coming soon - dr Agata Rudnik, Neurodevelopmental disorders in adult women



Photo booth

There will be a photo booth in a different department every week on Monday. Come along, take a selfie and hit up the CASiD Facebook page at the end of the action! The photo booth will run from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. each time.

4 March - Faculty of Chemistry

11 March - Faculty of Philology and History

18 March - Faculty of Management

25 March - Faculty of Social Sciences


Promotional video

We asked women... What do they wish for other women?

See what different women from our University answered this question.


Menstrual articles collection

From 8 March we are collecting menstrual articles - sanitary pads, tampons and pads. You will find cartons in each department where you can donate articles. All items collected will go into the pink boxes at our University. You can find a complete list of where to find the pink boxes at the link.


Field game

Throughout the campus, images with a brief description of former vice-chancellors, the first female rector candidate and women who have received an honorary doctorate and have been associated with the University of Gdansk will appear in each department. Attractive prizes can be won for taking a suitable selfie with the images. Detailed rules and information are available at the link.


Self-defence classes

On March 7, March 21, and April 4, there will be an opportunity to take part in self-defence workshops. They will be conducted by Bożena Hinca, a trainer from the Centre for Physical Education and Sport, a multiple medallist at the Polish Judo Championships. The workshop programme includes:

  • controlled falls and rolling;
  • stepping off the line of attack;
  • freeing oneself from grips and holds;
  • principles of performing levers;
  • uppercuts and throws.

Sign-up link: https://forms.office.com/e/V8s7aufMiL


‘Women of Science’

This element of the programme consists of the preparation of a poster (1080x1080 px photo + note) presenting subjectively important female figures in science, whose achievements and scientific output, in the opinion of the participant, are not sufficiently recognised/mentioned. Submissions can be sent to casid@ug.edu.pl - they will be presented at the end of the campaign on the Facebook page of the Centre for Student and Doctoral Activities. Entries can be signed.


'Menstrual Exclusion' brochure

The ‘Menstrual Exclusion’ brochure aims to provide an overview of the socio-economic problem of menstrual poverty, the educational exclusion experienced by menstruating people, and the reforms and aid programmes gradually being introduced around menstruation worldwide.

DOWNLOAD THE BROCHURE (available in Polish only)


For more information on actions, please visit the 'Women's Rights Month' link: https://casid.ug.edu.pl/miesiac-praw-kobiet/

Edit. Julia Bereszczyńska/Press Office