How to support Ukrainian universities while introducing them strategically to European Union initiatives? This was discussed by representatives of the European Universities programme members and rectors of Ukrainian universities at a meeting with the Vice-President of the European Parliament, Ewa Kopacz, and representatives of the European Commission. This was the first meeting of its kind, bringing together state authorities, the European Parliament, the European Commission, Ukrainian universities and alliances of European Universities. The SEA-EU alliance was represented at the conference by the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation UG dr hab. Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler, prof. UG.
The meeting took place at the University of Strasbourg and the European Parliament on March 13 this year. The conference 'European and Ukrainian Universities Cooperation: state of play and future perspectives' consisted of three panels. In the first, representatives from both sides spoke about the current state of strategic cooperation between European and Ukrainian universities. Best practices and supporting initiatives were identified by representatives of alliances of European Universities: EUniWell, SEA-EU, EC2U, ENHANCE, and CIVICA. Deputy Minister of Education and Schooling of Ukraine Mykhailo Vynnytsky and Deputy Minister of Education of the Czech Republic Jiří Nantl also participated in the conference.

Od lewej: Magdalena Adamowicz, Ewa Kopacz, dr hab. Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler, prof. UG, Rektor UAM prof. dr hab. Bogumiła Kaniewska
‘Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University has been an associate partner of the SEA-EU alliance for almost two years now, but we are constantly striving and making efforts for Ukrainian universities to gain full membership status in the European Universities programme. This is what determines their funding from the Erasmus+ programme. I am glad that as SEA-EU we had the opportunity to present the fruits of our cooperation in front of the Vice-President of the European Parliament and representatives of the European Commission,’ says dr hab. Anna Jurkowska-Zeidler, prof. UG. ‘We showed that our cooperation after February 24, 2022, came about naturally, irrespective of EU funding, as a form of aid for Ukrainian higher education. However, if we want to further support Ukraine and prepare it to join the EU, these initiatives need systemic support from the European Commission.’
SEA-EU as an alliance of 9 coastal universities has a multifaceted cooperation with Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University (ONU). The Ukrainian university regularly participates in the life of the consortium, with its students and staff taking part in events and activities organised by UG and SEA-EU, such as the Young Science Congress and the 'Focus on Ukraine' conference. Also attending the meeting at the University of Strasbourg was ONU Vice-Rector for Research, Teaching and International Cooperation prof. Andrii Smitiukh.
Authorities from SEA-EU partner universities discussed support for the Ukrainian university during events such as Ukrainian Day, held as part of Governing Week at the University of Gdańsk. To date, support for ONU's participation in SEA-EU has been made possible through funding from the 'Solidarity with Ukraine' programme run by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA).
During the second part of the conference, the current needs of Ukrainian higher education were discussed by the Rector of Kherson State University, prof. Oleksandr Spivakovsky, and the Vice-Rector for Research of Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University, prof. Ilya Khadzhynov. Then, in the third panel, the European Union's perspective on the cooperation between European Universities alliances and Ukrainian universities was presented by Judith Orland from DG NEAR and Svein Hullstein from DG EAC. Representatives from the two European Commission directorates responsible for funding cooperation projects described the latest available funding mechanisms for scientific and academic cooperation with Ukraine following the European Parliament's adoption of a €50 billion aid package for Ukraine.
At the end of the meeting, the Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, dr hab. Rafał Witkowski, prof. UAM presented a document titled ‘Statement of Strategic Partnership’. It is an appeal to the European Commission for financial support for alliances of European Universities and other European HEIs which are already involved in cooperation and assistance to Ukrainian universities. The document was adopted by all conference participants.
The meeting was co-financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), an institution that runs a programme of funding for cooperation between European University Alliances and Ukrainian universities. It was organised by the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the University of Strasbourg, as partner universities of the EPICUR consortium. The event was held under the patronage of Ewa Kopacz, President of the Council of Ministers from 2014-2015, Vice President of the European Parliament. MEP Magdalena Adamowicz also attended the meeting at the European Parliament.