Become a young Fahrenheit and win prizes

Spółka celowa Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego Univentum Labs we współpracy z Centrum Transferu Technologii UG organizuje czwartą edycję konkursu Univentum Labs Ideas – Young Fahrenheit. Jego adresatami są młodzi pracownicy, doktoranci oraz studenci UG, których badania mają potencjał komercjalizacyjny. Zgłoszenia trwają do 20 grudnia 2024 r.

The University of Gdańsk's special purpose vehicle Univentum Labs, in cooperation with the Technology Transfer Office of the University of Gdańsk, is organising the fourth edition of the Univentum Labs Ideas - Young Fahrenheit competition. It is aimed at young employees, doctoral students and students whose research has commercialisation potential. Applications are open until December 20, 2024.

The aim of the competition is, on the one hand, to promote interesting research conducted at our university and, on the other hand, to identify individuals and teams that carry out R&D work with market potential. The initiative is aimed at young employees, doctoral students and final-year master's students, regardless of their field of science. The organisers do not expect business plans, but rather presentations of ongoing research which, in the opinion of their authors, have market potential - i.e. may become the starting point for setting up their own enterprise, e.g. in the form of a spin-off, or granting a licence.

As part of our educational activities and support for the entrepreneurship of young scientists, we want to appreciate the first effects of the development of entrepreneurial attitudes,’ says the President of Univentum Labs , dr hab. Sylwia Mrozowska, prof. UG. ‘We want to open the door to the business world for as many young, talented people as possible. Our competition gives them a great opportunity to present their skills and commercialise innovative ideas.’

The competition has two stages. The first lasts until 20 December 2024, by which date you must complete an application form and briefly describe your research and indicate its commercialisation potential. In the second stage, for which the most interesting proposals will be selected, there will be a short presentation of the idea and an interview with members of the competition chapter, which includes representatives of science and business. The winners will be selected by the end of the winter term.

We are extremely proud of the talents we discover through the Young Fahrenheit competition,’ says Univentum Labs Vice-President, dr Andrzej Poszewiecki. ‘Previous editions have shown us that the University of Gdańsk is full of young scientists with innovative ideas that have the potential to change the world. From research into new methods of treating wounds, to creating software using machine learning algorithms, to designing organic compounds with unique properties - our university is a true innovation laboratory.’

Univentum Labs, a special purpose vehicle of the University of Gdańsk, has been successfully supporting the transfer of knowledge from the university to the economy since 2014. Thanks to its close cooperation with the Technology Transfer Office of the UG, the company offers scientists comprehensive support in the commercialisation of research and the creation of innovative spin-offs. With a rich base of scientists, modern laboratory infrastructure and a convenient location in the largest business centre in Pomerania (Olivia Centre) in the vicinity of the University of Gdańsk, Univentum Labs provides an ideal environment for the development of innovative projects.

For more information about the competition and terms and conditions, please visit:

Edit. CPC UG