Researchers from UG among prize winners awarded by the Gdańsk Scientific Society and the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk

Supporting and developing the scientific activity of young scientists, the Gdańsk Scientific Society and the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk awarded annual prizes for outstanding scientific achievements. The awards are granted to people under 35 years of age. Among the winners, there are scientists from the University of Gdańsk.

Every year the Gdańsk Scientific Society and the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk award five prizes for scientific work connected with the scope of activity of each of the Society's 5 Departments in the amount determined each year by the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk in agreement with the Chairman of GTN (GSS).

This year the prize winners are:

- in the I Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities - dr Jacek Wałdoch from the Department of the History of Law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk for his monograph entitled: 'Zarząd komisaryczny w wielkich miastach II Rzeczypospolitej. Studium historyczno-prawne';

- in the II Faculty of Biological and Medical Sciences - dr Anna Jesionek from the Department of Pharmacognosy at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical University of Gdańsk for her doctoral dissertation entitled 'Otrzymywanie olejku eterycznego, o przewidywanej aktywności biologicznej, w kulturach in vitro Rhododendron tomentosum (Ledum palustre)';

- in the III Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Chemical Sciences - dr inż. Tomasz Majchrzak from the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Gdańsk University of Technology for his doctoral dissertation entitled 'A comprehensive analytical approach to assessing the quality of edible oils during the frying process using the electronic nose technique supported by real-time proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry';

- in the IV Faculty of Technical Sciences - dr inż. Beata Zima from the Department of Strength of Materials at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology for a series of ten publications entitled 'Analiza i wykorzystanie zjawiska propagacji fal w celu identyfikacji uszkodzeń mechanicznych';

- in the V Faculty of Earth Sciences - dr Karolina Gębka from the Department of Marine Chemistry and Marine Environment Protection of the Institute of Oceanography of the University of Gdańsk for her doctoral dissertation entitled 'Meteorological and hydrological conditions of inflow of the labile forms of mercury into the Gulf of Gdańsk'.

The GTN (GSS) awards are granted for scientific and research works, publications, as well as construction and design, works on topics corresponding to the statutory aims and tasks of the Gdańsk Scientific Society. Candidates for the awards are put forward by members of the GTN (GSS) or persons holding managerial positions at universities or scientific institutions based in Gdańsk.

Julia Bereszczyńska / Press Office of University of Gdańsk