
Once again, the University of Gdańsk was listed in the Shaghai Ranking, a list of world’s finest higher education institutions. The University is ranked 401-500 among the best world universities in Ecology subject. University of Gdańsk presence in the ranking validates the University’s scientific research as significant contribution to solving climate protection, ecosystems and environmental issues. Universities are…
Wolters Kluwer Publishing House published a new monograph by dr. hab. Tomasz Tadeusz Koncewicz, prof. UG, ‘Filozofia Europejskiego Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości. O ewolucji fundamentów unijnego porządku prawnego’ (Philosophy of the European Legal System. Evolution of the EU legal framework). A new monograph by professor Tomasz Koncewicz. Director of the Department of European and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law and…
„Rozwój i transfer technologii dla błękitnej bioekonomii w regionie Morza Bałtyckiego BlueBioTECH” (BlueBioTECH, development and transfer of technology for the blue bioeconomy of the Baltic Sea Region) project implemented by the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography of the University of Gdańsk received funding from the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Program. BlueBioTECH is the response for the need of improved solutions in…
Professor Tomasz Tadeusz Koncewicz from the Faculty of Law and Administration has been selected to the Council of the Fondation Jean Monnet Pour L’Europe in Lausanne. On 17 June 2020, the Executive Committee of the Fondation Jean Monnet Pour l’Europe chaired by the President of the Foundation Pat Cox has taken the unanimous decision to appoint Professor Tomasz Tadeusz Koncewicz to become the member of the Council of…
Volume LXXIX (79) of ‘Gdańsk Yearbook’ of the Gdańsk Scientific Society is dedicated to the University of Gdańsk in honor of its 50th Anniversary. The volume was edited by Professor Jerzy Piotr Gwizdała, Professor Jerzy Błażejowski and Professor Maria Mendel. It was published by University of Gdańsk Publishing. The editors emphasize that the 79th volume, in honor of the University of Gdańsk 50th Anniversary,…
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) has announced the results of the second call for applications for scholarships under the Iwanowska Programme. One of the winners is Kamila Butowska – PhD student from Laboratory of Biophysics who will spend a year at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Scholarships have been granted to top 66 doctoral students, who will visit renowned research centres…
Prof. UG, dr hab. Anna Machnikowska from the Faculty of Law and Administration, has been appointed as a member of the Committee for Science Policy (KPN) under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Since June, she has been one of  twelve KPN members. Dr hab. Anna Machnikowska, Head of the Department of Civil Procedure at UG Faculty…
Overload with information, with decline in mood, yearning for direct contact – this is how schoolyear ends for students, parents and teachers, which has been proven by initial results of recently completed research: „Zdalne nauczanie a adaptacja do warunków społecznych w czasie epidemii koronawirusa” (Remote Teaching and Adapting to Social Implications of Coronavirus Epidemic). The aim of the research was to investigate…
55th edition of Art and Philosophy journal has been dedicated to Professor Bohdan Dziemidok to honor 60 years of his academic activity. Professor Bohdan Dziemidok is a philosopher, ethicist, axiologist and theoretician of art, for years associated with the University of Gdańsk, where he created philosophy field of study. The 55th Art and Philosophy journal, published by the University of Warsaw, was prepared by guest…
The Times Higher Education Young University Rankings list the world’s best universities that are 50 years old or younger. The University of Gdańsk is one of 414 universities worldwide included in the current edition of the list. The ranking is based on the same 13 performance indicators as the flagship THE World University Rankings, but the weightings have been adjusted to give less weight to reputation, being long-term…