79th Volume of Gdańsk Yearbook Dedicated to the University of Gdańsk 50th Anniversary.

Volume LXXIX (79) of ‘Gdańsk Yearbook’ of the Gdańsk Scientific Society is dedicated to the University of Gdańsk in honor of its 50th Anniversary. The volume was edited by Professor Jerzy Piotr Gwizdała, Professor Jerzy Błażejowski and Professor Maria Mendel. It was published by University of Gdańsk Publishing.

The editors emphasize that the 79th volume, in honor of the University of Gdańsk 50th Anniversary, commemorates the University, which by its history and close cooperation was bound together with the Gdańsk Scientific Society:

We, as the editors of the volume, trust that it will garner readers attention and people reading it will find it beneficial, hoping that the collected texts improve the general knowledge about Gdańsk and Pomorskie Region, but also promote science that could lay the grounds for towns and regions to blossom – the foundation of a better world – states the introduction of the 79th Gdańsk Yearbook.

The volume contains multiple texts regarding the University of Gdańsk, but also Pomorskie Region and the city of Gdańsk. Following authors’ text are included in the publication: Józef Borzyszkowski Z moich uniwersyteckich wspomnień (From my University memories), Leszek Biernacki Skazane Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego (Conviction of the Independent Association of University of Gdańsk Students), Dominik Bień Rozbudowa, rozwój i wyposażenie Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Sopocie (The Outward Extension, Development and Facilities at the Higher Economics School in Sopot) Piotr Syczak Teksty źródłowe: załączniki do informacji dziennej z 22 i 26 maja 1986 roku (Sources: daily information attachments from 22 and 26 May, 1986), Hanna Sempka Szkoła moja, twoja, nasza. Wokół trzydziestolecia szkół niepublicznych w Gdańsku. (My, your, our school. Thirty years of Gdańsk non-public schools)

Next chapters are dedicated to the history of Gdańsk and Pomorskie Region, chapter after that includes thoughts and interviews, the final chapter includes reviews and reports.


Translation: Adam Myzyk

Press Office of University of Gdańsk