The Christmas and New Year meeting of the Red Rose Society took place on 19 December 2019 at the University of Gdańsk. The competitions’ time schedules for the best Pomeranian student and the best Pomeranian student research group were announced during the ceremony. In May 2020, the Red Rose Competition Jury will select the best student who will receive a brand new car as a prize and the best student research group that will receive PLN 12,000.00 cash prize. The University of Gdańsk had the privilege and honor to host the ceremony and the next edition of the Competition because the representative of our Alma Mater, Ms. Agnieszka Piotrowska-Kirschling from the Faculty of Chemistry then, received the 2019 Red Rose Award.
Professor Arnold Kłonczyński, the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education and Mr. Ludwik Klinkosz, the President of the Red Rose Society, were among the most notable participants of the Christmas and New Year meeting. The ceremony was also attended by the authorities of other Pomeranian higher education institutions, former Red Rose Award winners, the members and the supporters of the Society. The Song and Dance Ensemble JANTAR provided the artistic program for the ceremony.
Piotr Zieliński