In line with the theme of this year's Sustainability Day at UG: 'Drop of H₂O = Life on the Planet', scientists will present lectures on the topic, and students and scientific circles will hold workshops for young people and students. The special guest of the event will be Katarzyna Bosacka, a Polish press and TV journalist and author of programmes on health and culinary issues.
On October 15, 2021, for the third time, the University of Gdańsk will host the Day of Sustainable Development. The event aims to promote and support the idea and implementation of sustainable development goals by initiating projects that promote the application of sustainable development principles in all areas of social life and economic activity.
The main theme of the meeting will be water and its importance for life on the Planet.
- The initiative has a pan-European scope. It aims to include the University of Gdańsk in the European network of actions to promote sustainable development within the framework of the European Sustainability Week,' - says dr hab. Barbara Pawłowska, prof. UG, initiator of the Sustainable Development Day at UG. - 'The event is organised this year as one of the tasks of the Science Club project at the University of Gdańsk - known and unknown faces of science, implemented under the programme of the Ministry of Education and Science, Social Responsibility of Science.
The inaugural lecture entitled 'Ordinary and extraordinary water' will be given by dr hab. Joanna Fac-Beneda, prof. UG from the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, UG. Dr hab. Beata Majecka, prof. UG from the Faculty of Economics, will talk about the economic view of water. Dr Aleksandra Bielicka-Giełdoń from the Faculty of Chemistry, UG, will present a lecture on the assessment of water quality concerning its intended use, and Katarzyna Cur from the GIWK will talk about microplastics in the Baltic Sea, based on the results of an international project.
The programme (attached at the bottom of the text) also includes several interesting workshops and demonstrations. Information on sustainable development goals
The event is aimed at a wide audience: primary and secondary school pupils, students, university staff, entrepreneurs and the local community. Partners from the university's external environment associated with the implementation of the idea of sustainable development have also been invited to the project. More information on the project website
The event is organised under the patronage of the Rector of the University of Gdańsk, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski and deans of the Faculty of Chemistry, dr hab. Beata Grobelna, prof. UG and Faculty of Economics, dr hab. Monika Bąk, prof. UG.
The event will be organised for the third time.