StRuNa-Media 2021 for the Psychological Research Club 'Experior' of UG

The 11th final of the StRuNa 2021 National Competition was held on the stage of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Among the winners of prizes for scientific clubs was the Psychological Research Circle 'Experior' from the University of Gdańsk.

Once again, as part of the StRuNa 2021 competition (the name comes from the first letters of the words Studencki Ruch Naukowy [Student Scientific Movement]), prizes were awarded to scientific clubs for projects carried out between 1 October 2020 and 30 September 2021.

Out of over 200 applications, 21 teams, 7 scientific supervisors and 14 organisations were nominated for the finals. In the end, the jury decided to honour with statuettes: 4 projects in each thematic category, 3 organisations and one supervisor and the winner of the main prize.

The main award for the authors and supervisors of the best science projects carried out in teams by students or PhD students (category Project of the Year 2021) went to SKN 'Eko-Energia' from AGH in Cracow.

Distinctions were also awarded to scientific circles and project teams. In the StRuNa-Media 2021 category, distinctions were given to Psychological Research Club 'Experior' from the University of Gdańsk, the SC 'Second Thoughts' from the University of Warsaw and the Scientific Club of Arabists from the University of Warsaw.

Ewa K. Cichocka / Press Office UG