On March 14, we celebrate the number Pi. The date of the holiday was chosen for March 14 because of the association with the first digits of the decimal expansion of the number, as the date, March 14 is written as 3.14 in the USA.
On this occasion, the staff of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science of the University of Gdańsk have prepared many popularisation events for primary school pupils.
All classes will be held in the new building of the Institute of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, University of Gdańsk; ul. Wita Stwosza 57, Gdańsk: link.
How to determine the number π? - workshops led by students, in smaller groups - dr Elżbieta Mrożek - limit 2 x 76 persons
9:00-10:00 or 10:00-11:00 - the exact room will be assigned to the group after registration
During the workshop, pupils will be confronted with different methods of determining the number π. They will learn how to approximate the area of a circle with squares, as well as the magical method of finding π using scattered sticks. It is advisable to bring along geometrical tools (set square, ruler, pencil) and a calculator. - Luminous phenomena in the atmosphere - lecture - dr hab. Piotr Gnaciński, prof. UG - 80 participants limit 10:00-11:00 hall 1.15
The lecture concerns such light phenomena as lightning, St. Elmo's fires, sprites, elves, auroras, earthquake lights and meteors.
- Programowanie gier za pomocą modułu pygame oraz turtle w języku Python - warsztaty - mgr Mateusz Miotk - limit 28 osób
godz. 10:30-11:45 lab. 3.11
The Python language is more and more commonly used as a first encounter with programming using a text environment. It has wide application through simple programs, complex internet applications, ending with computer games. During the workshop, we will learn the basics of Python and basic programming concepts such as algorithm, program, variable, conditional instruction and loop. The workshop will start with moving a turtle using the turtle package, ending with writing a simple game using the PyGame package. Enter the world of Python and program games with us :-)
- Web theorems - workshop - dr Barbara Wolnik - limit 2 x 25 participants
11:00-12:00 or 12:00-13:00 room 1.18
Workshop in plane geometry involving finding and applying theorems about triangles spanned over parallel lines.
- Areas, dissection and arrangement of polygons - workshop - dr Adrian Karpowicz - limit 25 participants 12:00-13:00 room 2.04
We will consider how to calculate the area of any polygon. Pupils will learn the theorem that every polygon can be cut in such a way as to make a rectangle out of it, and they will apply this theorem in practice.
- The beautiful number π - lecture - dr Nikodem Mrożek - 80 participants
13:00-14:00 hall 1.15
A lecture on the number π.
Registration is required for all classes. It will be possible from 7.03.2022 08:00 till 11.03.2022 16:00 - link. You are cordially invited!