My studies for the planet. Competition

My studies for the planet #studiadlaplanety

Reporters' column/post competition on Instagram @philologyug

 A literary and photographic competition in two categories:

  1. Instagram post with a photo for high school students;
  2. reporter column with a photo for students and PhD students

on Instagram @philologyug.

Last year, the Rector of the University of Gdańsk established the Centre for Sustainable Development at the University of Gdańsk: Sustainable development is a global effort to reduce poverty, ensure access to education, food and clean water, equal opportunities, ensure respect for human rights, world peace and stability, protect the environment, mitigate climate change and access to sustainable energy sources. These are within the spectrum of vital interest of the UN World Commission on Environment and Development, as well as scientists and the University.

The idea behind the competition

We are sure that your studies at the University of Gdańsk, especially your studies in the humanities, are in many ways compatible with the above ideas formulated to prevent, among other things, climate catastrophe, social inequality, discrimination of any kind, restriction of freedom of speech, consumerism and slave labour.

Your choice of studies and subjects at the Faculty of Philology, Dear Candidates, is certainly connected in many ways with these important topics. And you probably make choices daily to strive for a sustainable conscious life, often in the style of less waste, minimalism, but also to live in a deep respect for people, animals and plants.

We would like to invite all students, PhD students and candidates to the University of Gdańsk to take part in a COMPETITION, in which you can share your experience, studies and research as well as your life in the spirit of caring for the planet Earth and taking care of a good, sustainable and fulfilling life.

We would like to invite candidates for studies at the University of Gdańsk as well as students and PhD students of the University of Gdańsk to take part in the competition:

  • Category 1 Secondary school students: for a post with a photo on Instagram;
  • Category 2 STUDENTS and PhD students: for a reporter feature with a photo on Instagram.

Your entries will be posted on Instagram @philologyug.

 What do you need to do?

  • Write a text (1200 to 2000 characters with spaces) about how your studies, science, books, films, art, life and future choices contribute or will contribute in the future to the well-being of our planet and its sustainability. Illustrate your text with a good resolution photo in jpg format.
  • your works: 1. text in an editable file and 2. jpg. photo. send to the e-mail address: with a note in the title My studies for the planet
  • attach an application form with your image consent and consent of other persons present in the photo for the publication of their image on the promotional channels of the University of Gdańsk and also send it via e-mail to:

You can find it on the website of the Faculty of Philology

Tag the text and photo with hashtags:

  • crucial: #studiadlaplanety
  • additional #filologicznyug, #nafilologiczym #zrownowazonyrozwoj #safetheearth #oliviagarden

The competition runs from March 7 until April 29, 2022.

The competition will be adjudicated on May 20, 2022, on the social media of the Faculty of Philology UG (on Instagram @philologicalug) and the website of the Faculty of Philology

The entries will be judged by a jury consisting of:

  • dr hab. Izabela Morska, writer and lecturer at the Institute of English and American Studies at the Faculty of Philology, author of the creative writing handbook and the bestselling novel Disappearance, nominated for many prestigious literary awards such as Angelus, Nike and Pomeranian Literary Award Wind from the Sea;
  • dr hab. Sylwia Mrozowska, prof. UG, director of the Centre for Sustainable Development, political scientist, Europeanist, a specialist in climate and energy policy
  • dr hab. Joanna Jereczek-Lipińska, prof. UG, Vice-Dean for Education and Cooperation with the Environment of the Faculty of Philology of UG - romanist, linguist, a specialist in the language of parliamentary discourse
  • dr Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka, non-fiction literature researcher, promotion specialist at the Faculty of Philology UG, website and social media editor.


The competition will award:

  • 3 prizes in category 1 for Instagram post and photo;
  • 3 prizes for a reportage feature and photo.

First prizes:

  • a consultation on literary topics with writer Izabela Morska at the Philology Department of UG;
  • dinner at Olivia Garden sponsored by the Olivia Star Top Sp. z o.o. restaurant.
  • books.

Second and third prizes:

Category I:

  • two-person invitations to pizza on the viewing terrace, funded by the competition sponsor Olivia Star Top Sp. z o.o.
  • prizes founded by the Centre for Sustainable Development. Prize pool of PLN 500.

Category II:

  • two-person invitations for a pizza on the viewing terrace founded by the sponsor of the competition Olivia Star Top Sp. z o.o.
  • reporter books and books by Nobel Prize winners funded by the Philology Department of UG. The prize pool is PLN 500.

Your posts will be published and promoted on the Philology Department's Instagram profile @filologicznyug, as well as on the department's FB and the website of the Philology Department. We reserve the right to publish selected posts.

Organiser: Faculty of Philology, University of Gdańsk, ul. Wita Stwosza 51

Partners: Centre for Sustainable Development UG

Prize sponsors: Olivia Star Top sp. z o.o., Centre for Sustainable Development UG, Faculty of Philology UG.


  • prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, Rector of the University of Gdańsk
  • dr hab. Urszula Patocka-Sigłowy, prof. UG, Dean of the Faculty of Philology UG

The person in charge: dr Anna Malcer-Zakrzacka e-mail:, tel. 58 523 30 13


Participants of the competition are advised to read the advice of the excellent Polish reporter Mariusz Szczygieł on the topic: How to write a good reporter's column Priceless! #malekroki for the second time thank you for the inspiration!

We wish you inspiration and good luck!



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dr Anna Malcer - Zakrzacka/WF