The Rector's Award Ceremony at the Faculty of Chemistry

As many as fourteen awards were presented during the March meeting of the Chemistry Faculty Council. The laureates received, among other things, distinctions for the best master's theses and outstanding achievements for young scientists. Students and graduates who received the Rector of UG award also received laurels. 

Many young scientists and students were awarded during the meeting. In the former group, there is dr Natalia Ptaszyńska, who received the prof. Gotfryd Kupryszewski award for outstanding scientific achievements of young employees of the Faculty of Chemistry UG and dr Przemysław Jurczak awarded for special achievements in experimental research. 

Prizes of the Faculty of Chemistry for the best master's thesis went to mgr Beata Judzińska for the outstanding thesis using the methods of computer chemistry, and mgr Patrycja Kwiecień for the best interdisciplinary thesis. The awards of the Polish Chemical Society for their work in this category went to mgr Marta Domżalska and mgr Tomasz Swebocki. The Faculty Council also selected the best graduates, this year they were mgr Dominika Maja Zych-Gibaszek and mgr Hanna Głowienke

Apart from the faculty awards, the Rector of UG awards were presented to: mgr Marta Domżalska, Karolina Ławska, Simona Kołek, Kacper Pobłocki, Katarzyna Chmur, Agnieszka Manikowska, Emilia Mykowska, Szymon Swiątek Brzeziński.

The Rector of UG award is granted for achievements in science, sport, culture or significant involvement in student and community activities. 

Congratulations to all the award winners.

MJ / Press Office UG