'Laur Hydrografa' award for the Department of Oceanography and Geography

Laur Hydrografa

During the National Celebration of World Hydrography Day (WHD 2023), the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography of the UG, together with the Faculty of Navigation and Naval Armament of the AMW, was honoured with the newly established 'Hydrographer's Laurel' ('Laur Hydrografa') award. On June 30 this year, representatives of the Navy, local governments, universities and businesses met at the National Maritime Museum in Gdańsk. This year's celebration was held under the theme 'Hydrography - underpinning the digital twin of the ocean'.

During the event, modern methods used in hydrography were presented. The meeting was also an excellent opportunity for discussion between representatives of research, teaching and private institutions involved in hydrographic education or using hydrographic methods.

For the first time, the 'Hydrographer's Laurel' was awarded -a newly established distinction for exceptional achievements in hydrographic activities.   This year, the statuette was handed to the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography at UG and the Faculty of Navigation and Naval Armament at AMW. Both faculties were recognised for contributing to the training of hydrographers by creating a joint engineering degree course in Marine Hydrography. The award received is a special recognition of the work of all those involved in creating and running the course.

oprac. MJ/ZP