Student summer internships

Studying is not only a time for acquiring knowledge under the guidance of experienced academic and teaching staff but also for taking the first steps into the labour market, building professional networks and gaining practical skills. These objectives are served by student internships, a large proportion of which take place during the summer inter-semester break.

More and more people are recognising the enormous potential of doing an internship in a company engaged in the kind of activity an academic degree is supposed to prepare for. Internships and apprenticeships not only allow individuals to confront the knowledge they have acquired with the realities of everyday work - they are also an excellent opportunity for professional networking, which can prove extremely useful when later seeking employment. For this reason, in addition to the obligatory internships in the study programme, students increasingly opt for voluntary internships and placements. Support in organising these can be obtained from the Career Office UG.

'Voluntary internships are prevalent among UG students. Students are aware that internships help them gain experience in the labour market, allow them to verify their perceptions of a given workplace, and may also provide an opportunity for further employment,' says Aleksandra Stenke, Head of the UG Career Office. 'We cooperate with many well-known employers; it all depends on the sector: e.g. law students undergo internships in courts, prosecutor's offices, chemists in laboratories, etc. We also help students to choose internships individually, especially those who are in the counselling process (they use the support of CO career counsellors).

More information on voluntary internships can be found on the Career Office website.

A list of current offers (including job offers) aimed at UG students and graduates is available here.

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