World female champion in kettlebell lifting conducted training at the Centre for Physical Education and Sport (CWFiS) UG


Such a situation does not happen very often. Joanna Myszewska, eight-time World Champion, three-time European Champion and holder of the Polish Champion title in kettlebell lifting, visited the University of Gdańsk. The titled athlete held a training session at our University for the Centre for Physical Education and Sport staff.

‘We were very pleased to learn about this exercise variation from the champion herself. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks for this training, not only to Joanna Myszewska but also to our employee Joanna Kania-Kot, who was the inspiration and organiser of this undertaking,' said the Director of the Centre for Physical Education and Sport, dr Jan Patok.

The CWFiS teaching staff became acquainted not only with the basic techniques present in kettlebell lifting, such as swing, American swing, snatch, clear, jerk or long cycle, but they also learned a lot about the history, competitions held and possibilities of using dumbbells and weights in personal training. They also took part in fitness classes conducted with students from the University of Gdańsk.

This is the next in a series of training sessions the Centre for Physical Education and Sport offers to its employees.  ‘We know how necessary it is to train our staff further. The sporting environment constantly develops and introduces new elements to make classes more attractive. We want to keep up-to-date thanks to this,' concludes the Director of CWFiS, announcing at the same time the organisation of further training courses for his employees.



Tomasz Aftański/AZS UG, edit. EMW/Press Office UG