New publication of the Faculty of Law and Administration - Good practices in teaching legal studies

The University of Gdańsk Publishing House has published a book entitled 'Good Practices in teaching legal studies' edited by dr hab. Małgorzata Balwicka-Szczyrba, prof. UG and dr hab. Joanna Kruczalak-Jankowska, prof. UG - experienced academic teachers. - 'We intend the book to stimulate the reflection of all those who want to teach future lawyers (and others) in an effective, interesting and responsible way,' - says dr hab. Joanna Kruczalak-Jankowska, prof. UG, one of the authors.

The publication contains a discussion about teaching tools and methods that can be used in academic work at law schools, both at the faculty of law and at those faculties where the law is an element of the curriculum. The book can also be a valuable source of inspiration for academic teachers of other subjects.

- 'In specific texts, the authors share their experiences as to the didactic methods they use. Some of them have existed in academic tradition for centuries, but they constantly need to be adjusted to the changing times,' - says dr hab. Joanna Kruczalak-Jankowska, prof. UG.

Showing a wide range of possible didactic initiatives in the monograph may enrich the way of education and, above all, influence its quality. The considerations concerning didactic methods and tools are preceded by a reflection on the essence of academic teaching in law studies.

- 'The monograph entitled "Good practices in teaching legal studies is an extremely valuable position, which comprehensively presents methods, both traditional and modern, that any academic teacher of legal studies may use. (...) It will therefore serve as a basic tool for academic teachers at law schools and may significantly contribute to improving the quality of student education. For it is a study that touches on a wide range of topics that are important for effective and wise law teaching,' reads prof. Monika Namysłowska's review on the publisher's website.

EMW / Press Office UG