Gdańsk University Choir online

Due to the pandemic, Gdańsk University Choir has not been able to get together and rehearse, they are counting the days till it is possible again but have not become complacent. Out of this difficult experience, a beautiful online record came into being, ‘ We move the world’ by Gdańsk University Choir under the artistic director, professor Marcin Tomczak. Extraordinary, mutual remote work, being… at the choristers’ houses, under the watchful eye of the conductor.

Due to the pandemic the rehearsals of Gdańsk University Choir have been stopped at the last stage of intensive preparations for two major concerts. The choir members write that – at home you can shop online, participate in classes, lectures, conferences, organize museums visits, language courses and multiple other activities:

‘Absolutely nothing can replace the experience of choral singing and experiencing music in a large group. This unique moment, when individuals stand side by side, who at the hands of a conductor, take a breath together and become one organism.’

Out of this difficult experience, a beautiful online record came into being, ‘ We move the world’, which was obviously created at the choristers’ houses. Branko Stark, the author of the lyrics and music provided the foreword to the record.

The record is dedicated to all choirs and vocal groups in the hope of meeting in real life soon.

Link to the record

 “We move the world!” lyrics and music Branko Stark

Conducted by prof. Marcina Tomczaka 

Choir preparation: Aneta Majda, Dorota Stefaniak
Piano: Michał Ciesielski 
Sound engineer: Krzysztof Majda - MYDA
Video editing: Alicja Weydmann
Coordination: Magdalena Niestoruk\

Biuro Rzecznika Prasowego Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego