The Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science at the University of Gdańsk once again takes part in the action of the Perspektywy Educational Foundation Girls go Science. This action, along with its sister action Girls go polytechnics, aims to encourage high school and technical school students to study engineering and science.
This year we are opening our doors not only to girls. We invite all female high school and university students to visit our Faculty on April 7. We have prepared a series of events, thanks to which all those interested will be able to learn about the Faculty's offer, take part in lectures and workshops prepared especially for them, or simply talk to their older colleagues already studying at our faculties. They, too, once had similar doubts when choosing their majors - now they are willing to help the next generation.
Most events will take place between 10.00–14.00 in the new building of the Institute of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, University of Gdańsk, ul. Wita Stwosza 57, Gdańsk: link to location.
Detailed programme of the event:
1. Come and talk to students of our faculties - faculty stands:
- Mathematics - solve logic puzzles with us!
- Mathematical modelling and data analysis - play board games and more!
- Bioinformatics
- Information technology, practical profile
- Informatics, general profile
- Physics; Medical Physics; Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection - a stand combined with physical demonstrations by students of scientific clubs: KN Physicists and KN Siwert
2. Find out how the University can support you in your career - stand of the University Career Office
3. Working at Intel? Is it attainable? - Come and check - Intel's stand.
4. We have prepared for you some film materials about UG, our campus and particular fields of study - relax in the cinema room.
5. Our students are successful!
Four students of our Faculty have designed and created an application called Studdy Buddy!, which supports students in mastering the material and prevents too many drop-outs in the initial phase of their studies. The app won the MAKEATHON 2021 international competition as part of the SEA-EU initiative.
The students will talk about their project, plus you can play a game of dominoes or UNO with them.
10.00-11.00, 12.00–14.00, room 1.18
11.00–12.00, aud. 1.14
6. Lecture series Women in Science - aud. 1.15
10.45–10:45: Women in Physics - dr Joanna Gondek
10.50–11.35: Women in mathematics - dr Nikodem Mrożek
11.40–12.20: On-line lecture by the author of Cyfrodziewczyny. Pionierki polskiej informatyki - Karolina Wasielewska
7. 12.25-13.10, aud. 1.15:
Online meeting with Google - information on internship programmes and more
Secondary school graduates and university students are invited to the meeting!
8. Hour 13.15-14.00, aud. 1.15:
Prestigious Intel scholarship at your fingertips. Why should you apply and how to prepare well for the recruitment process?
New Technologies for Girls - a scholarship programme supporting girls (secondary school graduates and students) passionate about new technologies.
Since March 8, the call for applications for the 8th edition has started! In September, 25 scholarship holders will receive substantive and financial support in the form of a scholarship and will have the opportunity to gain experience during the internship.
Why is it worth applying and how to prepare well for the recruitment process?
These and other questions will be answered by Katarzyna Cichocka, who runs programmes addressed to women, including the New Technologies for Girls scholarship programme and ItForShe, thanks to which young female students have the opportunity of professional and personal development. During the summer holidays, she organises summer internships for students from all over Poland.
At the meeting, you will also meet a mentor who will tell you why she is a mentor in the programme and how it influences the development of the scholarship holders and a scholarship holder who will talk about her adventure with the programme.
Secondary school graduates and students are invited to the meeting!
1. Brain interface in a browser - meeting with students of computer science KN Kuźnia, aud. 1.14
Students will present how to read and simply display brain waves in a web browser. They will use EEG Muse wristbands and React library for this.
Workshops at 10.00–11.00 and 12.00–13.00
1. Lecture by Leonard Sikorski, President of the Scientific Club of Mathematicians Why was Hardy wrong? A few words on applied abstraction and post-quantum cryptography.
13.00–14.00, aud. 1.14
1. What does a physicist's work look like? A possibility of visiting scientific laboratories in the Institute of Experimental Physics - the renovated part of the building of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics: ul. Wita Stwosza 57, Gdańsk: link to location
- Scientific laboratory of the Department of Atomic Physics (1st floor)
- Laboratory of Biomaterials and Medical Physics (2nd floor)
- Laboratory of Condensed Phase Spectroscopy (2nd floor)
Information points - signposts - to the currently open laboratories will be located in the halls on the 1st and 2nd floor in the wing of the Institute of Experimental Physics.
1. Science does not have to be boring! - We invite you to an Escape room, where you will face tasks concerning mathematics, physics and computer science!
2. Exhibition on the history of computer science + competition!