Graduating from school and choosing a university? Or maybe you want to change your major or are planning to study for a master's degree? On Thursday, April 7 at 18:00 we will meet on Radio Mors to talk about recruitment at the University of Gdańsk.
Every year in spring the University of Gdańsk Recruitment Office receives a lot of questions from students interested in studying at our University. To make it easier for you to find answers to the most burning questions, we invite you to our recruitment programme on Radio Mors - Mega Otwarte Radio Studencke.
In the programme, prepared especially for future students of the University of Gdańsk, you will hear about the faculties and offer of the University of Gdańsk, the recruitment process and deadlines, which are worth remembering in order to get to your dream studies. It will be a conversation not only for high school students. Perhaps you want to change your major or are planning to study for a master's degree - this broadcast is also for you.
The pool of topics is not closed - we look forward to your questions! You will be able to ask them under the post on Radio MORS Facebook or on InstaStory @radiomors_ug.
The broadcast will be hosted by our student: Stanisław Pawłowski
Your questions will be answered by the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Education Quality, prof. dr hab. Arnold Kłonczyński and Anna Ziomkowska from the UG Recruitment Office.
We invite you to tune in - April 7, at 6 pm
Facebook Radio Mors:
If you are interested, we also invite you to the stationary OPEN DAYS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GDAŃSK, which will be held at the Baltic Campus of UG on April 21-22, 2022.