Are you experimenting with the short film form, or maybe you have a head full of ideas and are not afraid of challenges? Share your thoughts with the world. Until April 15th, submit your "one-minute film" to the 6th edition of the Refleks;ja One-Minute Film Competition by April 15 and see it on the big screen on May 12.
Refleks;ja is a competition organised every year by students of Film and Audiovisual Culture at the University of Gdańsk. During the finals of previous editions, in addition to the screening of submitted works and the adjudication of the competition, the event also featured talks and presentations of other projects by students of film studies at the University of Gdańsk. There will probably be some surprises this year as well.
The competition is open: any person who prepares work that meets its conditions and submits it by the specified deadline can become a participant. There is no age limit. The call for entries runs until April 15. The application form can be found here.
This year, in addition to audiovisual works, the organisers of the competition have also allowed for 'social works', or TikToks. It is enough to tag the festival profile with the hashtag #festiwalrefleksja and the mention @refleksja_2022. Social works should last between 30 and 60 seconds, as opposed to audiovisual works, which have a minimum length of 56 seconds and a maximum of 68.
One of the aims of the competition is to encourage discussion about the current state and future of the arts, primarily film. This year everything revolves around the prefixes 'pre', 'post' and 'repost'. - 'The pandemic continues and there is no telling when it will end. And the media have been making us wonder for months what our lives will be like in the post-pandemic era. We are waiting. For the time being, we have a pre-postpandemic,' - the competition organisers write on their website. Apart from mainstream culture (postpandemic, post-apocalypse), these prefixes are also used in the names of philosophical trends (posthumanism, postmodernism) and artistic ones (post-impressionism, post-romanticism). So the participants in the competition have a lot of room for manoeuvre.
On May 12, the selected works will be screened at the Andrzej Wajda Film Centre of the University of Gdańsk, which is located in the main auditorium of the University of Gdańsk Library. The jury consisting of lecturers from the Department of Film and Media will select the winners of the competition. The gala event will begin at 2 pm.
For more information on the rules of entry and the competition itself, visit the website.