Researchers, library information specialists and librarians interested in deepening their knowledge of databases can take part in a spring series of online training seminars.
The seminars will take place on April 12 and 26 at 11:30 am and are organised by Elsevier.
The first of the training series is entitled Data - the driving force behind analysis and strategy. During the meeting, participants will learn examples of reports and analyses based on Scopus data, as well as how to perform them unassisted. In addition, they will learn about the extended capabilities of the database, allowing the analysis of aggregated data at the level of the researcher, institution or country.
Registration is possible through the form available at
The second webinar will be devoted to presenting the full-text offer of ScienceDirect, including the methods for effective searching of scientific literature of various types.
During the training ScienceDirect: the wealth of knowledge, participants will learn how the content of the database can be used by scientists, academics and students, both in the scientific and teaching processes.
The registration form is available at