Competition of UG Publishing House for the best scientific, didactic and PhD book

The University of Gdańsk Publishing House announces a competition for the best scientific, didactic and PhD thesis book.

The competition is open to publications published by the Publishing House in the year preceding the date of the competition. The competition aims to select and award the best book in three categories:

  • scientific book,
  • didactic book,
  • a book presenting the results of a doctoral thesis.

The main prize for winners in all categories is the right to publish another book, free of charge, in the University of Gdańsk Publishing House within 7 years of the outcome of the competition. The award includes financing of the publication of up to 15 pages.

The award granted to the Team of Authors is treated as one and is not subject to multiplication. The prizes for the 2nd and 3rd place are copies of books selected by the winner and published by the Publishing House (for PLN 600 and PLN 300 respectively).

The application should include:

  • a completed competition entry form available at the Publishing House's website;
  • one external review/opinion on the book written by an external specialist in the field the work concerns; by an external specialist, we understand a person from outside the University of Gdańsk; the enclosed review cannot be a publishing review, but an opinion concerning a book which has already been published;
  • translation of the review into Polish if it was written in a foreign language other than English.

Applications and any questions should be sent to: by April 30, 2022.

More information about the competition and the entry form can be found on the website.

In the previous edition of the competition, the first places in the following categories were taken by:

  • the book by Jakub H. Szlachetko, Normatywny model samorządu metropolitalnego (TN: Normative model of metropolitan self-government) in the scientific book category
  • Zarządzanie rozwojem przedsiębiorstwa. Interaktywny podręcznik z zakresu zarządzania. Repozytorium case study dla studentów (TN: Enterprise Development Management. Interactive textbook on management. Repository of case studies for students) edited by Paweł Antonowicz in the didactic book category
  • book by Barbara Korwel-LejkowskaWpływ rozprzestrzeniania się miast na środowisko przyrodnicze w otoczeniu aglomeracji trójmiejskiej (TN: Impact of urban sprawl on the natural environment in the surroundings of the Tricity agglomeration), in the category book presenting the results of doctoral work.
konkurs WUG
Milena Szabat / UG Publishing House