The second edition of the Occupational Safety and Health Protection Day at the University of Gdańsk

Safety culture at work is a very broad topic. We address this issue by talking about first aid methods, physical health, personal hygiene and medical examinations, among others. To take better care of yourself and your colleagues, we invite you to the 2nd Occupational Safety and Health Day, which will take place on April 28.

The Occupational Safety and Health Office event will begin at 11:00 with an introduction by prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski, Rector of UG. The theme of this year's edition is 'Safety Culture - a common cause'. - 'Our event aims to promote the culture of safety. Personally, I would like the employees of the University of Gdańsk, in addition to satisfaction from their work, to feel that they can do it safely,' - said mgr inż. Tomasz Klawikowski.

Participants will be treated to a range of educational demonstrations and lectures, from first aid workshops to nursing consultations. Employees from the Occupational Safety and Health Office will talk about the plans and activities that they will implement shortly at the University of Gdańsk. Representatives of the Regional Labour Inspectorate in Gdańsk will talk about 'The role of persons in charge of employees in OSH management'. At the end of the day, we invite you to take part in a one-and-a-half-kilometre run for health, along a road between the Faculty of Law and Administration and the Faculty of Philology. 

'We are starting with small steps, last year on the occasion of World Safety Day we organised slightly fewer activities and they were much more popular than we expected. Now we have prepared more of them and we hope that they will meet with similar interest,' - says mgr inż. Tomasz Klawikowski.

Program Wydarzenia

Program Wydarzenia

Marcel Jakubowski / Press Office UG