The last meeting of the UG Senate in this academic year began with thanks for years of work and the presentation of the silver medal of the University of Gdańsk 'Bene merito et merenti' to the Director of the Main Library, Grażyna Jaskowiak. Amendments to the UG Statutes and a report on the activities of the University Council were unanimously adopted.
Director Grażyna Jaskowiak has been associated with the University of Gdańsk all her professional life. Since 2008 she has also been a UG Senator. As she is retiring at the end of the academic year, the Rector, prof. dr hab. Piotr Stepnowski thanked her in the presence of the University Senate for her many years of work and support for the development of the University by presenting her with the UG silver medal 'Bene merito et merenti' (To one who has served and continues to serve well) and the Rector's First Class Award. The senators thanked Director Grażyna Jaskowiak with thunderous applause.
In the next item of the meeting, prof. Mariusz Bogusz presented motions and proposals for amendments to the UG statutes that had emerged since the last senate. Among other things, amendments were tabled on the issue of discipline councils at faculties for the sake of quality of education (rejected). The issue of teaching schools and equalisation of opportunities in the promotion procedure were also raised. None of the Senators commented on the request by the staff of the Institute of Oceanography UG to introduce a vacatio legis on the issue of the reorganisation of the unit's structure, which was reported by dr Ewa Szymczak.
The Senate unanimously approved all the proposed amendments and changes. Rector prof. Piotr Stepnowski thanked prof. Mariusz Bogusz. The statutes will be available in the Public Information Bulletin.
The UG Senate then took note of a report on the activities undertaken by the University Council, which was presented by its Chairman, prof. Maciej Duszczyk. He emphasised the noticeable improvement in the University's place in the region, the country and abroad. At the same time, he emphasised the role of the FarU community and added that we should continue to draw on it. Referring to activities and our place in the world - the President noted how the Oceanographer's voyage within the SEA-EU community had resonated with the world.
Prof. Maciej Duszczyk also referred to the financial issues on which the members of the University Council, together with the Chief Financial Officer and the Rector, are leaning: - 'When proposing solutions and changes, we always take into account that it is impossible to transfer the business experience directly to the university because it is not a corporation,' - the President of the Council pointed out.
Prof. Jacek Zaucha asked prof. Maciej Duszczyk how the Council views the development of the Tricity metropolis, cooperation in the Baltic Sea area and what opportunities it sees for action in winning major grants under the Horizon programme. In response, the President indicated the Council's support for close cooperation of the UG in the metropolitan area. Regarding cooperation in the Baltic Sea area, he pointed out that cooperation should not be limited to this area, but should be developed more widely, as shown, among other things, by the SEA-EU Cruise and which is especially important given the war being waged by one of the Baltic Sea States, Russia. Responding to a question about grants, the President of the Council cited the example of the University of Warsaw, which had exhausted its pool of large grants, for which it had been preparing for about two to three years, which means that similar work also awaits the University of Gdańsk and requires patience.
The President of the University Council thanked the UG academic community for its commitment to helping Ukraine, which he stressed was extraordinary, as reflected, among other things, in the organisation of the NAWA conference 'Solidarity with Ukraine' at UG.
Rector prof. Piotr Stepnowski thanked the University Council for the good cooperation so far, and the Senate unanimously adopted the report.
The next item on the agenda was free motions. Here, dr Tomasz Czuba presented information on the Professors' Club. He showed the website, the application procedure and also information about the card, thanks to which - in cooperation with the GOT - people using it will be beneficiaries of loyalty programmes and discounts. Similar activities are being undertaken as part of the Alumni Club.
The Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, dr hab. Anna Jurkowska - Zeidler, prof. UG, invited to two major events in September (4 - 5.09.2022) related to the opening of the Erasmus+ InnHUB centre at UG, in cooperation with the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Programme. The Erasmus+ InnHUB in Kraków is a cross-sector innovation centre that dedicates its activities to European educational programmes and the popularisation of the Erasmus offer - a programme that enables innovation to be fostered not only in the education of children but also in the professional development of companies' and universities' employees. The fourth such institution in the country will be established at the University of Gdańsk.
The Rector also announced that the tender for the Sports Centre had been awarded. Due to the cost, we cannot currently undertake this investment.
Referring to finances, the Rector, prof. Piotr Stepnowski also expressed concern about the worsening financial situation of the university and its employees due to inflation. The costs of the subsidy are not increasing in proportion to inflation rates and overheads. The subsidy, the Rector pointed out, was only 2% higher this year.
- 'We are in an extremely serious financial situation,' - stressed Rector prof. Piotr Stepnowski. - 'Our raison d'etre is, above all, to maintain all jobs.'
The Rector appealed for solidarity in this respect. He informed about the appeal made yesterday, together with all the trade unions operating at UG, to the Minister of Education and Science on this issue.
The last meeting of the Senate of the University of Gdańsk for the academic year 2021/2022 was concluded.