Poetry about the university and the herstory of a mother academic. You are invited to a double author meeting

Dr Beata Karpińska-Musiał and Piotr Sobolczyk will discuss different ways of looking at universities. We would like to invite you today, November 10, to ul. Długa 35, where the meeting will begin at 6:00 pm.

Both guests are authors of books on universities, but they have chosen completely different forms to describe these institutions. Dr Beata Karpińska-Musiał's book is an autoethnography, a personal account of her experience of combining her academic career and motherhood. In the book, the author plays with form; some passages are written in a scientific style and others are a record of a consciousness stream. Piotr Sobolczyk, on the other hand, writes about the impenetrable bubble of academia, vigilantly and carefully protecting its secrets. He has presented this content in the form of poetry. 

'They both do cross-country; they both seek new challenges like oxygen, changeable, but at the same time not prone to extremes, because they are too focused on their goals and convictions, at most modifying them over time,' - said dr hab. Izabela Morska, prof. UG, who will host the meeting, about the guests.

The event was organised by Gdańsk City of Literature as part of the promotion of the books 'Harcowanie na planie. Her-storia stawania się matką-akademiczką w polskim uniwersytecie' by Beata Karpinska-Musiał and 'Wydechy z bezrybocia' by Piotr Sobolczyk.

Marcel Jakubowski / Press Office UG