The Archive team of the University of Gdańsk invites you to take part in a campaign to recognise events and figures immortalised in old photographs from the collection of the University of Gdańsk Archive entitled 'Sign the history'.
- 'Every month we will prepare for you a set of 10 photographs,' - informs the Director of the Archives dr Monika Płuciennik. - 'Please read them and share information about the people and events featured in them on the forms attached to the photographs.'
The organisers also ask for the personal details of the person completing the form so that they can thank them for their help in identifying the people and events.
The photographs will be available at:
- Archives Reading Room (basement of the New Rectorate of UG, entrance from Neophilology, room R-117),
- UG Main Library (table on the first floor to the right of the stairs),
- Office of the University of Gdańsk 3rd Age,
- Rector's Office (armchairs at the entrance to the building and a table by the Social Affairs Section of UG, room R226 2nd floor),
and in the News on the Archive's website and the Archive's Facebook page.
- 'We encourage you to take part in the campaign and share with us the extremely valuable knowledge that is the key to researching the history recorded in the frames of old photographs illustrating the history of our University. Without a proper description, the photographs preserved in our collections will lose their historical value, hence we are extremely counting on your help,' - adds the Director of the Archives.
The project will conclude with an exhibition and ceremonial opening.
Link to news on the Archive's website:
Link to Facebook of the Archive:
Link to photo album for November 2022: