Literary theorists - meeting of the scientific club and promotion of the book

The Scientific Club of Literature Theorists UG organised a meeting devoted to the monograph 'Texts of the Internet - Internet of texts'.


The Institute of Polish Philology UG hosted another meeting of the Academic Club of Literature Theorists UG, which has been active since 2008. The Club has many publications to its credit, has cooperated with periodicals and has co-organised several scientific conferences. Its supervisor is dr Maciej Dajnowski.

Last Wednesday, on the threshold of the University of Gdańsk, participants had the pleasure of listening to a performative reading of Jennifer Haley's drama 'Construct'. The cast included students and alumni of the University of Gdańsk: Jan Szopa, Marta Kamyszek, Michał Fałtynowicz, Nicol Prądzyńska and Aleksy Poklękowski. Alicja Smaruj chaired the meeting.

'It was an exciting experience playing multiple characters or sharing one surface between two actors, marking their physiognomy and behaviour in different worlds. It was pleasant to work with such a thrilling text,' said the president of the UG Academic Club of Literature Theorists — Jan Szopa.

One of the purposes of the presentation was to promote the book Texts of the Internet - Internet of texts. It raises crucial issues of the new humanities, but the Internet is the main focus. The analysis of this transdisciplinary concept can focus on different approaches accumulated around linguistics, media studies, literary studies and cultural studies.

The young authors have sought to combine the discourses and methods of what is vital in the current humanities, undertaken an analysis of the subject, and demonstrated a transdisciplinary approach.

The book's editors are: Michał Bolek, Karol Rawski, Maciej Dajnowski.

If you are interested in the Scientific Club of Literature Theorists UG, please email


Teoretycy literatury książka
Oliwia Malczyk, student of Polish philology, majoring in journalism and publicism