What's next? Workshops at UG, PG and MUG

Organizatorzy konferencji z nagrodą w konkursie "Mistrzowie Współpracy Fahrenheita" 

Conference organisers with prize in the 'Fahrenheit Collaboration Champions' competition

'It is not the goal, but the path we take that is most important,' write the conference organisers 'What's next?' which won third place in the 'Fahrenheit Collaboration Champions' competition. On April 13, the first promotional workshop will be held to discuss our society's future. How to communicate skilfully? What can we do to make our city disability-friendly? How to talk about sex? Sign up and see for yourself. 

The 'What's next?' conference and all accompanying events are a combined initiative of students from the SKN Psychology (MUG), SKN Inspiar (UG) and KN Sound and Image Engineering (PG). For their goal - to create a place for honest and insightful discussion - they won PLN 5000 in the FarU competition. 

The project's centrepiece is a two-day conference planned for May, during which participants and panellists will seek a range of answers to the question 'What's next?'. Workshops, podcasts, demonstrations and even an Oxford debate have also been organised around this event. The first of these initiatives will kick off on April 13 at 4 p.m. at all three Fahrenheit Universities: 

'How to talk about sex?' - 13.04 at 4 p.m. at the Gdansk University of Technology

'A few words about communication' -13.04 at 4 p.m. at the Gdansk University of Technology

'The world of freeganism' - 13.04 at 4.00 p.m. at the Medical University of Gdańsk

'Disability in the city' - 13.04 at 4.00 p.m. at the University of Gdańsk

'You can take a step forward' - 13.04 at 4.00 p.m. at the University of Gdańsk

'Solidarity as trees - forest bathing' - 15.04 at 12:00

Registration for the workshops is required in advance. 

'We want the open dialogue and the issues that will be raised during the event not to give a clear-cut answer - on the contrary, to serve as starting points, clues to follow the paths of all eventualities,' - the organisers explain. 

We also invite you to follow the Facebook page of the conference.


Marcel Jakubowski / Press Office UG