Autism spectrum disorders. April psycho-educational meetings at UG


The University of Gdańsk's Academic Psychological Support Centre invites you to the April psycho-educational meetings on neurodiversity and autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

Three events are planned as part of the April meetings:

1. Lecture with discussion: how to create a safe space for an adult with autism spectrum disorder? 

SEN teacher, psychologist Mirella Talaj-Czernych

When: 20.04. 15:30-17:00

Where: Auditorium S204 - Faculty of Social Sciences

2. Lecture: The autism spectrum of neuro-immunity

Neurobiologist dr Wojciech Glac

When: 20.04. 17:00-18:30

Where: Auditorium S204 - Faculty of Social Sciences

3. Workshop: Establishing relationships and working with an ASD child

SEN teacher, psychologist Mirella Tałaj-Czernych

When: 21.04. 15:30-17:00

Where: Room C204 - Faculty of Social Sciences

All people studying and working at UG are welcome! The number of places is limited (max 20 people). Please apply by email:


More information about the events:


1. Lecture combined with discussion: How to create a safe space for an adult on the autism spectrum? 

During the meeting, we will talk, among other things, about taming reality, why a person on the autism spectrum finds it challenging to cope with emotions without external support, and what distracts the person. We will also try to answer questions such as: how to find simple solutions to 'big problems', how to speak to 'get along' with a person with ASD, and why does a person with ASD need support?

2. Lecture: The autism spectrum of neuro-variability

An enormous variability in the functioning of cerebral cognitive, emotional and other processes characterises humans. Such a vast spectrum of variability is the reason for the difficulty in defining the boundary between normal and pathology. Autism spectrum disorder finds a special place in the spectrum of neurodiversity because of the magnitude of the changes, which involve a wide variety of neuronal processes, including those related to perception processes and the processing of social stimuli, as well as cognitive processes. The lecture will discuss the neurobiological basis of the autism spectrum in relation to the natural, defined as being within the normal range, the cerebral substrate of inter-individual variability associated with cognitive, emotional and social processing processes.

3. Workshop: Relating to and working with a child on the autism spectrum

Establishing relationships and working with a child with ASD. Every person is a pleasure seeker. They need to have play time where good sensory experiences are a must. Let's explore ways for children with ASD to savour the 'taste' of safe experiences and learn new skills.


  1. Building an emotional connection with the ASD child.
  2. Neural communication - ways to communicate with a child with ASD.
  3. Emotions: a. how to help an 'emotionless' person cope, b. simple solutions to 'big' problems.
  4. Taming reality - how to help a person with ASD with the world around them.

About the presenters:


Dr Wojciech Glac is a neuroscientist from the University of Gdańsk whose great passion is to popularise knowledge about the brain. He has delivered more than 600 popular science lectures and workshops for children, young people and adults, has been organising Brain Days in the Tri-City for more than 10 years, and for his popularisation activities, has received the prestigious Populizer of Science award in the competition held by PAP's Science in Poland service and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Psychologist and SEN teacher Mirella Tałaj-Czernych graduated from the University of Gdańsk with a degree in psychology. She has a pedagogical background - a teaching qualification and has completed postgraduate studies in SEN teaching and Clinical Psychology. She completed a series of training courses in psychological support and supervision in a non-public SYNAPIS Teacher Training Centre and a training course, 'Social skills training for people with autism'. She has completed the 1st and 2nd level EEG- BIOFEEDBACK training. She has been working with children with autism since 2004, constantly deepening her knowledge in this area. She has participated in numerous conferences, symposiums and training, gaining knowledge of various therapeutic methods and approaches. She worked at the NZOZ Counselling Centre for People with Autism, where she conducted diagnostic and consultation visits for families of children with autism. She also taught individual classes at home for children under the care of the Counselling Centre. Since 2004 she has been conducting individual and group therapy classes for children with autism, holistic developmental disorders, behavioural disorders, emotional disorders, educational and adaptation problems. She participates in numerous pieces of training, constantly improving her knowledge in helping young children and their families—co-owner and director of the Small Lions Preschool Point Jasień.

EMW / Press Office UG