This has never happened before! AZS UG (the Academic Sports Association of the University of Gdańsk) is expanding its offer for young activists taking their first steps in academic sport. At the beginning of September, the first edition of the AZS Lider Camp will take place at the association's centre in Wilkasy. The camp is aimed at under-25 AZS members. The event is scheduled for September 4 – 10 this year. The programme includes four training modules – each participant will choose a subject area to explore during lectures and workshops. All willing students of the University of Gdańsk are asked to contact the club at azs@ug.edu.pl.
The originator of the initiative, Krzysztof Pszczółka, president of the Cracow University of Technology Academic Sports Association (AZS Politechnika Krakowska), talked about what inspired him to organise the event and what participants can expect.
Where did the idea to organise the AZS Lider Camp come from?
‘I come from the AZS and I am active in the AZS, but during my studies, I had a long episode in student self-government. As a result, I have a fairly broad view of all organisational activity in academia and its current state. Undoubtedly, one of the biggest challenges after the pandemic is the declining number of activists in the student community, which is also felt in the AZS itself. Student governments are trying to attract people with a wide range of development opportunities, training in different areas and, above all, they are able to present the goals and values involved effectively. Therefore, using good practices and know-how, we decided to organise the AZS Leader Camp, which is inspired, among other things, by the 'POLIgon' camp organised by the Forum of Technical Universities. We aim to develop comprehensive training programmes that will allow less experienced AZS members to gain knowledge and new skills. This will give them confidence and make them more willing to take on new challenges and tasks. We believe this will help build strong structures in many university clubs.’
What can participants in the AZS Leader Camp expect? Why is it worth taking part in the event?
‘Participants of the AZS Leader Camp can expect, first and foremost, substantive training panels at a high level. Most of them will be conducted in the form of workshops. We want to stimulate passion and creativity among young people. We want them to be able to prepare themselves comprehensively for activity within the AZS structures and specialise in a particular area. Besides, it is important for us that participants get to know each other, integrate well and make new friends. Hence, we will do our best to ensure every evening is filled with activities and integration. It will be intense!’
What does the AZS Leader Camp programme offer?
‘The AZS Leader Camp programme provides four development paths. These are finance, promotion and social media, organisation of sports events, and leadership skills development. In addition, on the first day, all campers will undergo an introductory training block on team building. It aims to integrate and get to know each other. I will also let out a secret that throughout the camp, the participants will compete in various sports and team-building games, which the camp staff will prepare.’
Who will lead the training sessions in the aforementioned panels?
‘The training sessions will be led by people from different backgrounds. They will include representatives from the Academic Sports Association as well as the student government. We are keen for campers to have the opportunity to look at the topics of their pathway from different perspectives. For my part, we have invited experienced trainers who have a great deal of experience in activities and excellent references.’
Find out more at lider.azs.pl.
Piotr Walczak