The AquaLoop project, with a total budget of EUR 1,673,347.79 (including EUR 395,950.00 for the University of Gdańsk), will enable the University of Gdańsk to further its cooperation with leading bodies working on the green and blue economy in the South Baltic region. The development of the University of Gdańsk's cooperation with foreign partners: research institutions, businesses, and local authorities is also expected to raise the competence of the UG as a leader in blue growth education.
The AquaLoop project – Aquaculture Forum towards the development of circular economy practices, INTERREG South Baltic – is an initiative of seven partners from Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Denmark and Sweden. It aims to develop practices that foster sustainable aquaculture waste management, increase the innovation potential of farms implementing circular economy solutions tested in the project, popularise aquaculture products and raise awareness and access to knowledge related to sustainable aquaculture to stimulate the blue and green economy in the South Baltic region. The project will be carried out from September 1, 2023, to August 31, 2026.
The project work will include:
- pilots targeting new methods of utilising aquaculture waste, such as the culture of macro- and microalgae in post-breeding waters, the use of existing farmed fish waste and the creation of aquaponic systems in combination with water recycling systems, carried out at the University of Gdańsk, University of Rostock (Germany) and the University of Klaipeda (Lithuania) in cooperation with breeders, professionals and students as examples of circular economy which can be used in aquaculture or related sectors concerning Green Deal principles and sustainability goals;
- an educational offer for schoolchildren, academics and professionals, based on ongoing pilots and cooperation with entrepreneurs implementing the circular economy in aquaculture, in the form of courses, demonstration activities and study visits;
- service offerings for SMEs based on the results of the pilots, including demonstrations, feasibility studies, protocols, dedicated training for professionals and business models for circular systems in aquaculture.
We congratulate the project authors, Ms. Barbara Dmochowska and Ms. Hanna Łądkowska from the Department of Marine Ecology, Faculty of Oceanography and Geography, and the entire project team. We wish the whole team fruitful work and success in implementing the project.